Page 105 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 105

                 Overseas Post:  Foreign  Countries, contd.
     AUSTRALIA, could.
      Compensation is  not  payable for uninsured  parcels which are lost,  stolen  or
     damaged in the Australian Service.
       Customs duty:  Advertising matter (catalogues, price-lists, circulars and  so on,
     and  loose advertisements  inserted  in  magazines) is subject  to customs  duty on
     importation into Australia.
       Delivery:  Parcels  on  which  customs  and  other  charges  are  payable  arc  not
     delivered to the addressee but must be collected from the Post Office.
       Gift  Parcels:  There  are  no  duty  concessions  for  gift  parcels.  The  customs
     declaration  form  should,  however,  be  clearly  marked  “ unsolicited  gift”.
       Address:  See under Letter Post.
       Letter Post
        Surface   l   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Air Mail   /
       Dutiable articles may be sent by letter and small packet post—up to S100 green
     label  written  in  German  or  French  and English required;  thereafter  top  green
     label and form C2/CP3.
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Narcotics.  Sec also under Parcel Post.
       Restrictions:  See  under  Parcel  Post.
       Gifts  for  private  persons  sent by letter post are subject to the same conditions
     as gifts sent by  parcel post.
       Packing and marking:  See under Parcel Post.
       Parcel Post
        Surface   l  See Schedule of Oversea Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Air       /
       Customs declarations:  1  form C2/CP3  and  1  despatch  note  CP2 prepared  in
     German  or French  and  English.  Parcels  accompanied  by customs  declarations
     which  are  not  fully  completed  in  accordance  with  Austrian  requirements  are
     subject to delay.
       Customs declarations should be accompanied by invoices (two copies) and any
     other necessary documents.  Certificates of origin or import permits are required
     for certain types of goods.
       In  all  cases  the  sender  should  ascertain  the  necessary documents  which  are
     required before the parcel is despatched.
       Insurance:  No Service.
       Prohibitions:  Letters, those books and other printed items which are prohibited
     in Austria, narcotics, chain letters, lottery tickets.
       Restrictions:  Animal  products;  arms and  ammunition;  Austrian bank notes,
     bulbs,  butane gas,  fruits,  potatoes,  plants  and  parts  of plants,  foreign  postage
     stamps,  medicines,  narcotics,  precious  metals,  radio-active  substances,  radio
     apparatus and so on; salt, sprits, tobacco and it’s products.
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