Page 90 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 90


          Overseas  Post:  Registration,  Advice  of  Delivery,  Insurance,  contd.

        Money  sent  by  registered  post  should  be  enclosed  in  one  of the  registered
       letter envelopes sold by the Post Office. Coins must be packed in such a way that
      they cannot  move about inside the envelope.

      Inquiries regarding loss or non-delivery
        Inquiry as to the  alleged loss or  non-delivery of  a registered article addressed
       to a place abroad must be accompanied by a fee of 6c. This fee is refunded if it is
      found that the inquiry has been rendered necessary by a fault of the postal service.

       Articles Irregularly Posted
        An article marked in any way to indicate that it should be registered which is
      found posted amongst ordinary correspondence will not  be registered but will be
      treated as an ordinary item and despatched to destination by  ordinary or  airmail,
      depending on the amount of postage with which it has been prepaid.

        In the event of loss or damage no compensation is paid on an irregularly posted
        Undeliverable  registered  and  insured  articles  and  unregistered  articles
      found to contain anything of value which cannot be returned to sender arc retain­
      ed in the Dead Letter Office for a fixed period  in case they are claimed  by cither
      the sender or the addressee. If not claimed they arc disposed of in accordance with
      Advice of Delivery
        The sender of a registered article addressed to  an  oversea  destination may ob­
      tain an advice of its delivery by prepaying in stamps at the time of posting,  the
      sum of 20c.

          (a)  Stamps denoting payment of such Advice of Delivery fee shall be affixed
             to  the  registered  article  together  with  the  stamps  in  payment  of  the
             postage on the article.
          (b)  The article must bear on the front the letters “A.R.”
          (c)  The sender's name  and address  must  appear on  every  article of  which
             an  application is made for obtaining advice of delivery.

        The advice of delivery form for an airmail registered article shall be attached to
      the article when it is being weighed.
        The forms must be  returned to the sender by airmail at  no additional cost to
      the addressee and must have a blue airmail label affixed to it.
                     OVERSEAS POST:  INSURANCE
        The insurance service is not universal, but it extends to most oversea countries.
      The maximum which can be covered is S800 but in some countries lower limits are
      in force, as shown under each country set out on pages 94 to 254.
        The service is governed by international regulations which prescribe the manner
      in which insured packets must be made up, addressed, sealed and so on; and it is
      essential that these regulations should be complied with in order to avoid disputes
      about claims or delays in transmission.
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