Page 72 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 72

68                        TELlWitAJ>IJS.
                        STREET  C:OLLECI'INO  DUXN'I  COI!Id.
     39.  Bedford  Park  Gate  on  the  Constant  48.  Pcnn  and  Rodney  Streets,  (Admiral
          l)pring Line near Sandy Gully   Pen).
     40.  Barbican Road              49.  Spanish  Town  Road  and  Old  Pound
     41.  Pt\pine Corner                  Road
     42.  Drcntford and Curpbey Roads   liO.  Constnnt Spring Road and Four Roads
     43.  Grove & Central Roads, Kencot J.ands  51.  1\Jary  Bro,,n's  Corner.  (Constant
     44.  Molyncs Road and Tarrant Lane   Sprin~ Road)
     4.5.  Hope and Trafalgar Roads   52.  Greenwich Hoad and New I.incoln
     46.  Lady  MuRgrnve  and  T rafalgar  Hoads   Road
     4.7.  Bccchwood Ave. nod Halfway Tree Rd.  53.  Jacl<eon  Road and Giltrcss St., Rollin~­
                                          ton Pen.
      Collecting  boxes  have also  been  erectccl  in Savanna-In-Mar,  Port  Antonio, lVlontcgo
     Bay and Spani.o;h Tow!\.
       TnE Government Telegraphs are under the control of  the  Postmaster for  Jnrnaica.
       Tlwr<'  1 r<·  n •w  l!JO  P~stal1'c•lt'gr  ph :tnd Tdt•phc ne Offir~>s di~•rib 1t<-d  t hr •t1ghouf  the
     Ishnd  conncc ing evc•ry  t~wn or  vill  g· c•f imp•>  Additi  ·n  I< fficcs will b • ow·ncd
     dur;ng thr cum•nt y<-:·r.
       In  l•ddilir n.  th<·  J :m  ic'l  G.wnnrn ·n•  Hnilw  y  with  fi C'lmp!im  n' of 4S Tt·l  groph
     Offir,~ o:ch· nl!"~ Id• p:r  m< with th Pl'st• I 'l'1 lrgr;•ph Sy~ll m.
       The  chnrge for  telegrams throughout  Jamrdcu  is  ninepence  for any  number of \\Ords
     up  to  twelve,  und  a  half-penny  for every additional  word.  The address and  signature
     are both counted.  The charge is paid in  postage stamps nffixcd  to the message.
       If the addressee reside within  one m ile  of 1 he terminal offtce  the tcler;ram  is delivered
     by  mcsscnp;er  without  any  nddif ion;.!  charge;  but  if beyond  I hat  limit  the  following
     port er  g(•  fee  must  be  prepaid:-
      At a  rate of 6d. per mile (one way) counting from boundary of frel' delivery.
      The  aboYC  rates  are  maintained  whcne\'Cr  pracUcable.  If  messcnp;ers  cannot  bn
     obt. imd nt  these  rates  the  Postmistress  is  authorised  to  make  the  most  rcnsonable
     arrangement  rossible.
      The charge for  t be transmission and  for portcrugc of telegrams must be pre-paid.
      Peroons resident  at a  pluce to  which  the  island  telegraph  line  has not  been  extended
     can  benc:'fit  by  its  use  on  the  following  ronditions:-
      a.  lf the  words  "Dy  Post" with  the  name of a  telegraph  station  be  written  on  a
     message  it  will  bC'  ldegraphtd  to  such  stntion  and  forw:~rdetl  from  thence:'  to  its  postal
     addrt•ss  by  first  post.
      b.  If a  lclf<'r  rna1·ked  "Ou Post Office Tel<•graph  J3usiness' be sent  b!J  post  to the tcle-
     p;rnph  c Cl'k nt any station  the message enclosl'd  will  be promptly fo rwarded by fclc?raph
     Crom sulch stn.lion .  In  this  case !he Jotter by post must be registered and  the cosL of the
     me~nl!;e cnclo~cd in  stamps  or  coin.  Telc{!:rnms  mny  also  be  hand!'d  lo n  mnil courier
     on  his  wny  to  a.  telegraph  office,  but  the  d<-pn rtmeht  t.loes  not  take  any linhility for
    m.:!! c1rringe.
      c.  1\o  !'barge will  be made in either case for  postu~e or rcp;istrntion.
      Tcle{!:r:tms  may be sent  to any port  for ouhn1 rd  l ntnHmi8sion  as lelfers.  The senders
     must "rite  "By Po~t" before addrc~sce':i nnme, aud  the name of the terminnl Telegraph
     Office  r.t  !he  end  of  the  address.
      "By P(•et" Brown.  J2 Fifth  A\'enuc,  Kcw  York.  Kingston."
      In addition to the ordinary telee;rnph charge the ~ender must also  ray the postage fee.
      In  such  cases  registered  addresses  eannot  be  usc:'d.
      1'hc  office  hours  ure  from  7  a.m.  to  5  p.rn.,  dnily-Sundays  and  Public  Holidays
     excepted .
      .1\i~ht., Sunday and  Holiday services may be  obtained  at the folio" ing  rtLtcs·-
      "'·  After 6  n.m.  until 8  p.m.,  double  rate  fo r  lclcgrnrn,  plus a  fee  of  1/- lo  each  clerk
     handling  the  telegram and  6d.  for  tbe  messenger.
      b.  After .'1  p.m. until 6 a.m. double rate for lhe telegrams plus a  fee  of 2/- to each clerk
    ha ndling  the  telegram  snd  1/- for  the  messenger.
      c:  The ch:uges of Gel.  and  1/-,  respectivl'ly,  for  messengers reft>r  only  to telegram, f<"r·
    dehvery  up  to  one  mile  from  the office.
      d.  On  Public  Holidays  all  offices  arc  oper.  from  7  a.m.  t~ 9  a.m.  and  telegrams.
    are accepted at the ordinarii u·eek day rules during these hours.
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