Page 69 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 69

POS'PAOI~ f;TAMPS.                  65
                                  I~EPLY COUPONS.
                lntcrMtiooal  Reply Coupons nre  sold  nt the i\loney  Order  Office,  Kingston,  at 4d.
              ench, and Im1>Crh1l  Reply Coupons at 2~d. each.  The former  represent the postage on
              n single-rate letter  mailed in nny country of I he  Postal  Union, unci  the lnttcr the postngc
              on a. singlc-mte letter llUiilcd in any country of the Brit.ish  Empire.  Coupons nre ea$bed
              al the ruLe  of  2jd.  for  a  50-centime,  and  J !d.  for  nu  Imperinl  cou)>On.
                 t>O:;TM i E  STAMPS,  DOSTCArWS,  ENVELOPES,  \~~A PPEI~S. Etc.
              Postage  Sta111ps  of  the  following  denominations  are  sold:-
                !d ..  1d.,  Hd., 2d., 2~d., 3d., 4d., 6d.,  9d.,  Is ,  Zs., 5s., 10s.
                Books containing twelve  Jd., six  ~d., nnd six  qd.  stamps nre issued,  price 2s.
                Inland 7111.1t  cards  nre  sold  nt  !d.  each.  He ply  paid  at 1d.;  l n1ernatwnal  Post  Cards
              nt 1 d.,  Reply  paid, 2d.
                :Vewspa1wr tvr(lppers are so ld~~~ }d. ench.
                Registered letter e11velopes (linen-lined) bearing n 3d. shlmp embossed on tbe !lnp for Lbe
              p:~yment of registration fee 2d. and postage Id., are of two sizes nnd a rc sold at 3!d. and
              4d. eacb.
                J -udicial of the values 3d., Gd., Is., 2s., 5s., and Ss. 6d. are sold at all Post Offices
              wh~re t hero  is  •t  demnnd  fr ,.  I hem.
                lmprP.Ised Stamps,  title deeds ttnd  blank slips are on  ai a ll  Post Offices.
                Quinir~~ is also sold at ull  Post Offices  in  id. and  ld. packages.
                The  following is a  description,  together with  the dales of issue, of a ll  postage stamps
              in  circulation:-
               na tion.         Description.                  D;lte of Issue.
                 ! d.   I<ing George V.-grecn                 Nov.   3,  1927
                Id.        Do.   - carmine                    Mnr.  15,  1929
                !~d-       Do.   -chocolate                   Jan.  18,  1929
                2d.   Scenery: Colurnbus Cove, Green and grey green   Nov.   4,  1932
                2!d.   Scenery: near Castleton-pale blue and greenish blue   Mar.   5,  1932
                3d.   Landing of Colurnbus, 1494-myrtle-green and blue   April  8.  1921
                4d.   Cathedral, Spanish Towu-browr\ nnd deep green   Jrm.   1,  1!)21
                6d.   Scenery: Piicstrnl\ll'S River-purple t\nd grey blnck   Feb.   4.  1932
                9d .   I<ing George V.-maroon                 l\lnr.  5,  1929
                1/-   Stnt.uc of Queen Victoria-or8ng~-ycllow and red-orange   Dec.  10,  1920
                2/-   Admiral Rodney i\lcmorial, Spanish Town-light blue
                          and brown      . .     . .    . .      do.
                51-   Scenery ("Isle of Wood nnd  Wt\LCr ")-blue and yellow-
                         ~range   . .    . ,                  April  15,  1920
               10 '-  }(ing Gcorge V.-myrt.le-green     ..   .l\luy   6,  1921
                All postage stamps of  the  colony are  printed  on  the  :\lultiple  Crown Scrip' (C. A)
              water-mark paper.
                Value of full set, £1  Os.   5~d.
                                   Stamp  Vendor$.
                  W.  N. Alberga, l a Kingston Lane, Kingston
                 E . D. Evnns, 15 Devon Avenue, CrossRoads
                  C. G.  Evnn•, West  Queen :o;treet
                 Jamaica Times Store, S-10 King St.reet, Kingston
                 :.\{rs. E. E. ?lfntthcws, HI Soutb Road, Halfway T ree.
                  n.. A. 1\lnroh, 29a West Parade
                  Cbin Pow, 179 Orange Street, Kin!,'Sion
                  J. A. Stewart. 21  Windward Road, l(ingston
                  Miss i\I. S. Williams, 1 Kent Lane, }i:ingston
                                    HOUSE  DELIVERY.
                               (KINGSTON AND  Low£n ST. A.:;ont:w.)
                Correspondence . is delivered  by  letter  in  all  parts of  tbc City of King~ton, including
              Smith's  Village,  Bannab  Town,  Campbcll Town, Franklin Town, Brown's Town, Pass-
              more Town,  the  nortbern limits of A.rnold  Road  and Soutb Camp Road, includin~~; tbe
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