Page 67 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 67

MONE Y  OHDI.mS.                  63
                                 MONEY  ORDERS.

                ~ loncy  Orders  arc  issued  ut  the  Head  Onico,  Kingston,  and  nt  t he  Post Offices  of
              the  capital  of ~11ch pa rish.  Applicnt ions for  money orders  addressed  to  lbe  PMtm•sf~r
              for  Jamaica or  ton  Postmaster  arc  free of postage.  (The  registration  fee of 2d.  must,,
              howcv<'r,  be  prepaid.)
               The  commission  on  money  orders  dr~wn on  •  Gre·1t  Britain,  (including  North-
              <rn  Ire!  nd).  United  States  of  Americ~,  Canal  Zone.  C:on •dn  and  )/rwfnundland,
              and  any  other  country  except  those  named  in  t he  following  sentence  is  si~pence for
              the  first  £ and l hrcopencc  for  each ndditionnl  £or  fraotional pnrl.  The commission on
              Money  Orders  drawn  on  * Trinidad,  *Barbados,  *British  Guiana,  •  \Vindw1rd  nnd
              • Leeward  Islands,  • T urks  Island,  * Cayroan  Islands,  • Bermuda,  • B•1 h1rnas,  ftnd
              • J.lritish  Honduras,  is  sixpence  for  first  £2 and  t wo  pence  for  each  addition:li  £  or
              fractional  part.
               The  limit  amount  for  money  orders  drawn  on  Gre:1t  Brit  in. Barbados, Trinidad,
              Brit ish Guinna, the Windward  lslnnds, the Leeward Islands, British Honduras, B~rmuda,
              Bahamas,  T urks  Islnnd  and Cayman  Islands  is  £40,  and  on  United States of  Amen co,
              Can& In,  Newfoundland, Canal Zone and Philippine  Islands, $100.
               No  application  can  be  entertained  for compensation for  a lleged injury  from  t be  non-
              p3ymcnl  of  a  money order at lhe  expected  time.  W hen  a  money order  is  applied  for
              i( must  be  on the clear  understanding  that no such  claim  will  be  allowed, and  Lh1t  I he
              Post Office is not liable, under nny circumstances, t·o  more than one payment of a  money
              order,  even  when,  notwithstanding  the  precautions  that MO  !.nkcn,  the  order  has  been
              p:dd  to a  person not  entit led  t o receive the money.
               Re-payment to  t he  remitter  of  a  money order  cannot  be  made  until  the chief  office
              of the paying  count ry  has  been communicated  with.
               A  Through  Money  Order  Exchange a lso exists  between  Jamaica  and  c~rtain British
              colonies  and  foreign  countries  vi ,  t he  United  ICingdom.  Such  through  money  orders
              are  subject on  payment to a  deduction  of two pence  for  each £1  with a  minimum charge
              of  four-pence.  '/'lte full  name  und  addreas  of  the pc•yee of a  t hrough  money order  must
              be  gi,•en  to  enable  the  Chief  Money Order  Office,  London,  l'>  h rwnd to  the  payee a
              money order  for  the net a mount payable,  the  money order  issuP.d  to  the remit ter  being
              only of  value as a  receipt for  t be  amount  paid  and  should  be  retained  by the remitte1.
               The following  is  a  partial  List  of  British  Cownies,  Protectorates,  and  Postal Agencies
              abroad and of  the Principal  Foreign  Countrie$ to which Money  Orders may  be sent through
              London. t
               • Ascension,  Austra lia  (Commonwealth  of),  Austria,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  • Ceylon•
              Costa  Rica,  • Cyprus,  Cuba,  Czechoslovakia,  D~nm1rk .  • Eqypt.  • Federated  Malay
              St.ates,  •  Fiji,  France  and  Algeria. Germany • Gibr:~ltar, • Gold Cons~,  Greece. Holland,
              Hond uras  (Republic  of),  • Houg Kong, Hungary.  • Irish  Free  Slate. • India  and Aden,
              It:~ly,  • Iraq,  Japan,  • Kenya. Luxemburg.  * J'vJalta , • New Zealand, • Nberia , Norway,
              • Nyasaland  Protectorate.  • Palestine,  Poland,  Pcrtugal,  • Rhodesia,  (Nor thern  and
              Sou thern),  Roumania, • Sierra  Leone, • South Africa (Union of) Spain, • Sudan, Sweden,
              Switzerland,  • Tanganyika  Territory,  • Togoland  (Brit;sh),  • Uganda ,  Yugoslavia,
              • Zanzibar.
                                 Telegraph :'1o ney Orders .
               T he  system  of  Telegraph  Money  Orders  iq in  operation between Great  Brik in and
              Jamaica.  The  remitter  of a  Telegraph  Mouey Order  is required  to pay, in  addition  tn
              the  l\'I.O.  commission.  t he  cost  of t he Telegram of Advice a t  t he ordinary  rate  (2/4)  or
               •  British Postal Orders arc nlso issued and  paid  in  these countries. see" Postal Orders,"
                    page 64.
                 For  complete  lis!, of  places in  which Money  Order&  are  issued and  ]::aid  se:  latest
                   edition of London Postal Guide.
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