Page 71 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 71

                The  De1,artment  does  not  un<lcrlakc  to  divert,  at  tbc  Gcncml  Post  Office.  lelters
               uddres•ed to one Post Office to another Post Office in the island.  An effort will, however,
              be made, as far  as the exigcncicij of the Service allow,  to serve  the  public by delivering
              in  Kingston  lct,tcrs add•·cs~ed lo  a  district  Post Office  or by  directing  them  from  one
              office  to  another.
                          t.\I>DUCATIONS  I~O il  I?ECALL 0 1'  Ll~TTEI?~.
                No letter, parcel or otht!r postal packet can, when once it has been P<JStod inn Post Office
               receptac:le or accepted  for  transmission  at :L  Post Office.  be lakrn ou t  of the  post, even
              if tt1Jplication  be  made for  it  hy tl  person who c:tn  prove thnt he  is the sender,  without
               th~ authority of the Governor.  Nor c:1n  it  be <let»ined or delaycrl :1t t he sender's request;
               it must be forwarded  to its address nnd ran not be di1 erted to a ny other nddress.
                            PRIVATE LETIEQ BOXE5  AND  ~AG::'l.
                Priv11te  letter  boxes, nvnilable  for ahe subscribers' use from  7  a.m.  till  5.30  p.m.  on
               week  days  (and  also  for  two or three hours in Kingslon  after the arrival of imp  rlant
               oversen mni!s)  may be rented for 12s, a  year at the Post Offices of Kingston, PortAntonio,
               Montego Bay and l\Jnndevillc.  Letters addressed  to  the hou.~r addri'R~ of a  person rent-
               ing  fl  letter  box  will  be delivered as nddressed.  Only  letters specifically addressed to
               the box or business add rcss of the rcnter of the box will be assorted in  the box.
                Private bags.- By permission of the Postmaster for Jamaica any person  mFty have his
              letters conveyed  by his bet\rcr to nnd from the Post Office in a  private bag upon payment
              of  nn  annual  fee  of one guinea. the  bag to be locked, one key being kept by  the Post-
               mnstcr nnd one by the owner of the bag; the bag to  be provided  by the owner.
                When  a  private  letter  b["lg  is conveyed  by a  mail  contractor a  further  annua l fee of
              one guinen is to be paid.  These fees  must  be p11id  in advance through  the  Postmaster
               for  Jamaica.
                                    P05T E  RE5TANTE.
                The Poste Rcstanle  or General Delivery  is intended solely  for  thll accommodation of
              stra ngcrs and travellers and even  they may not use it for  more than  three months.
                Lellers nddresscd to initinls, or to fictitious  names, or to a  christiun  nl\me without a
              surname  are  not taken  in  al the  Poste  Restante.  bul arc  treated as  undelivered uud
               retu rned  to senders.
                  _ ____ J:_>e:::r~io~d of Hctention of Poste Restante Corrcspondc::'.:.:1C:.:C::.. ------
                      Origin.          At Kingston.   ·r  At  D istrict Post Offices.
              Places abroad             Four weeks         Eight weeks
              Local                     Two weeks          Four weeks
                               5 T11Et:T COLLECTING  ~Oi\t:5
                Collecting boxes arc to  be found  nl the following  places  in  Kingston  and  Lower St.
              Andrew.  (The times at which they arc cleared are stated on each.)
               I. J(ing and Xorth Streets   21.  Orange and Charles Streets
               2.  Charles and East Streets   22.  Fr:mklin Town Police Stntion
               3.  Kingston Gardens         23.  Smith Villag~, Pcrcy and Wellington
               4.  Fire Brigade Station           Strccls
               5.  Jamaica. Club            2-1.  Campbcll Town, Liverpool & Hampton
               G.  Torrington Bridge              Strecls
               7.  Allman Town Constabult\ry Station   25.  Woodford Park
               8.  South Camp  Road near North Street   26.  Duke and Hnrbour Streets
               9.  Uighholborn and Laws Streets   27.  Cif anchester Squnre, ::>outh Race Course
              10.  Park Lodge (Victoria A venue)   28.  Law~ and East i:)treets
              11.  Drown's Town Constabulary Station   29.  Hannah St. and Hose Lane
              J 2.  Tower Street and Ellctson Hoad   30. Arnold H.oad, nort b of Connolly Avenue
              13. 1\Iarine Gardens          31.  Studley Park Road
              14. Spanish Town Road and Bceston Street  32. Soulh Camp Road Hotel
              15.  Parade, by Parish Church   33.  Kingston and St. Andrew  Corporalion
              lG.  P rincess and Harbour Str·t>els   34.  Cllarescaux Hand and Club Lane
              17.  Princess and West Queen Streets   35.  Hope and Os ford  Roads
              18.  Jamaica Times Store      36.  Retirement Road near Hctirement  Pen
              19.  Jubilee C\Iarket, West Queen Street   37.  Knutsford Park Gate
              20.  O'ange Street and P  rt H  y  ! Street   38.  King's llou.•c Gate
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