Page 70 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 70

GS                    HOUSI':  Dt;;LIVI':RY.
               Gnlldll in La nds, a mi lo 1.1\C  cast of the cit.y as iar as  Ken~ington I1oad, four times dnily.
               viz  .. S.30 a.m.,  JO.::!O a.1n.,  1.30 p.m., and 4.15 p.m.
                 Correspondence is  dclh·cred  in  Lower  St.  Androw  118  below:-
                 From  JlAJ.~'WAV Tu"E Post  Office ttl 8.30 tun. and 2 p.m.
                 Nowru- i.\lary  Bro"n's Corucr on  the Coust.tnl Spring  Hond 11nd  the  road  leading  to
               I<iug's  House.
                 Sou•rn- Oxford  Road,  not  included.
                 EAs1~il'htlilda s  Comcr  and  llopc  Hoad,  from  Christ Church.
                 \V•;s'!'-Currisbrook on  llagley  Park Hone!,  ?llolyncs  Road  to  junction  with  Tarrant
               Lane, Old Pound Hond and Lyndhurst Road to junction of Retirement Road, and" 1\esby
               Court,"  Rcci  Hills  Hoad.
                 From Cnoss ROADS  Post  Office at 9.15 u.m. and 2 p.m.-
                 Non-rii- From Cross Jlonds Post Office, a long Caledonia Avenue, up to Halfway Tree
               and  Tlopc  Road  to  Oxford  Hoad.
                 SouTH- Torrington  Bridge and  Slipe  Pen  Road.
                 EAsT-<J\Jnrcscaux Road.
                 WEsT-From Cross Roads, along Retirement Hond to c Jmer of Lyndhurst Road and
               Old  Pound Hond, including Brentford lload.
                From JONES Pli:N Post  Office at 0.30 n.m. and 1.30 p.m.-
                 NonTn-Penn  Strec~ (not included).
                SoUTH-Burnctt  Lnne  a.nd  Girling  Street.
                EAST-Crnig  Town  Gully.
                WEST-Trench  Pen  (not  included).
                F rom  WINDWA no  HoAD  Post  Office  at  9  a.m.  nnd  1  p.m.-
                NonTH- Lnngston Rond.
                SouTH- Sea Front.
                EAST-Long :Mountain  Road.
                WEsT-Kensington  Road  (not  included).
                From SPANISH T owN Post. Office nt 9.15 a. m.  and 4.00 ]J.m.
                NonTn-Croyden Lodge on Bog Walk Road and to Fcrndcne on Cordon Penn  Hoad.
                Soun1- Burke Road  &  St.  Jngo  Park, Bnrret.t  Street.
                EAsT-Premises  adjoining  the  Rio  Cobrc  River.
                WES'I'-I1ailway I-incs,  St. Johns 11oad,  Old  Harbour  Bond and  beyond  the Bnilwny
               I i ne to Ellerslie.
                  From  MoNTEGO Dt.l.' Post Office  nt 8. JO  l\.m. ll!ld 1.30 p.m.
                N onTn-Union Street along King Street,  Love Lnne,  Orange  Street to foot of Spring
               Hill, along North Street to St. Jnmcs Street along Fort Road to Palm Beach.
                Sou·ru- Railway  along  River  Bay  through  Justice  P iece  to  Barnctt  Road  along
               Cottage  Road.
                EAST-Cottage  Road  Jnckson Town along Doom  Street to foot  of Brandon  Hill.
                West-Palm Beach along the Sea  to Hailway.
                              TI'M IN  POST  OFI' ICE  SEI~VI CE.
                Limited  train  Post Offices are  maintained on the  through line  between  Kingston nnd
               Montego  Bay  and  Port  Antonio  where  postage  stamps,  etc.,  may  be  bought  and
              telegraph  forms obtained.
                            REDIRECTION  OF  CO I~RES PONDENCE.
                The  Post  Office  only  undertakes  to  redirect  when  t he
              letters  or  other  postal packets cannot  be redll•ected at the
              ph ·c e  of address.  n  does  not,  for  example, redirect  postal packets addr10sscd
              to  a  person  who  has temporarily left his  house,  unless  the house be left uninhabiled; or
              addressed  to  clubs.  hotels,  boarding houses,  or lodgiugs; or delivered  through a  prh·ate
              letter  box.
                Notices of  removal and applications for  redirection  must  be signed  by  the  persons to
              "'hom  the  packets  to  be redirected  are  addressed.  Separate notices  must  be  filled  up
              if it  is desired  that parcels should be redirected.
               · A  not;a  of ren10•al lwlds good for three n10nths,
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