Page 68 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 68

(j-l                   POSTAL  ORDERS.
              at the "deferred" rate (l/2)  per word.  Every word in the telegram has to be paid  for;
              in the case of  a  "deferred" lclcgram, the  iusl.ruction "L.C.O." is charged as one  word,
              and  the  word  "PoslDlltSler" has 1dso  to be sent in  every  cusc aud  must  be  paid  for.
              l•'url her details may be had from t he  Chief M .O. Office, Kingsto11.
                                 POSTAL  ORDERS.
                Amotmls of pounday~.-Poslnl Orders are sold and cashed ut 1111  Post Offices in Jamaica,
              ar.d  in  the  countries  marked  with  an  asterisk  (•) ubove,  which  irocludc  the greater
               portion  of  the  British  Empire.  except  Au, tralia.  These  orucrs  are  printed  ou  a
               pnper  bearing an  "all-over''  watermark  consist ing of  1he  Royal  Cipher- a  crown  and
              the letters G.  v  R., and they measure slightly less than  7  in.  iro  length.
                The commissions charged  on  orders  issued  arc a$  fo.lows:-
                      At 6d.,  Is.,  Is. f~J.,  2s., 2s. 6d.   Id.
                      At 3s .. &;. Gd., 4s. 60., 5s.           I !d.
                      Ath.6d.                                  2d.
                      At S.~., 10s.                            2!d.
                      At. 20s.                          . .     1 ~J
                Po~tage Stamps A (fixed to Postal Orders.-T he sender of a  postal  order,  whether  made
              payable  in  the  United  Wngdom  or  elsewhere  (excepting  Cunudn),  may  increase  its
              v. luc  by  an  amount  not  exceeding 5d.  by  affixing  post11g~ HtnrllpS not  c~cecding two
              in number to the  face  of  the order.  No credit will  be  given  for  "t:l lllp~ which  ar~  in
              oxccS~< of  two  or  which  are  affixed  elsewhere  than  in  the  spaces  provided.  Odd  half-
              pence  will  not  be  paid.  St~mps perforated  with  initials  or  mnrks,  or  embossed  or
              impressed  stamps cut out  of  envelopes,  post cards,  &c.,  cannot  be  accepted  for  this
                Pe..Wd during which Ordn-3 are payable.-If an order  he  not paid within three  m" nlhs
              from  t he  Jnst day of the  month  of  issue,  a  commission equal to  the  original pound, gl'
               will  be  charged.  The  commission  thus  paid  must be  affixed  in  postage slumps  to  t h2
               back of the order.  Posi.AI orders which are not presented for pnymcnt within six mon<hs
               fr~m the  I  si  day of the month  nf iSStJP  are not paid  until  rl'fP.rPo~P has bP.Pn  mude to
               the  London  Post Office.
                Filli11g  i n of  Ordcr.-The purchaser  of  a  postal order must, before parting with  it. fill
               in the name of t he person to whom the amount is to be paid, and is recommended to fill in
               the nnme of the office of payment as a  precaution in case the order should be lost or stolen .
               If the  purcbaser does not  know which  Post Office  is  most convenient  to  the  payee,  he
              should  insert  the  name  of  the  town ,  village or  district  where  the  payee  resides.  The
               order will then  be  paid at any Post Office  in  the place named.
                Coullterj oils.-Every person  to whom a  postal order is issued should tear of! and retain
               the counterfoil.  Its production  will  fncilitate inquiry if the order  should  be lost.
                Miscarriage  or  /oss.-Thc  Postmnster  cannot undertake  to  consider  any  application
               respecting  a  postal  order  which  has  miscarried,  or which  has  been  lost or destroyed,
               unless the  count~rfoil be produced; and unless proof be given to his satisfaction that the
               Mme of the  payee was inserted in the order before the bolder parted with it.
                After  a  Postal  Order has once been  puid,  to  whomsoever  it ia  paid,  the  Postmaster
               11:11  not  be  liable  to any  furrhcr  claim.
                Paymetil to  the  public.- Bcfore a  postal  order is paid the name of the payee and  the
               nsme of  the office of payment  must have been  filled  in and  the order must be prop~rly
                Payment througl,  Bankers.-lf 11  postal .order  be  crossed,  payment  will  only  be  made
               through a  bank; and  if the name of a  bank be added, pa)'ment will only  be  made through
               that  bank.
                l?fpayment to sender.-The sender of a postal order can obtniu repayment of the amount
               (but not  the poundage) on  presenting the order and the counterfoil nt  the issuing office.
               If the order  has been crossed  for  payment  through a  blnk the sender  must  first  cancel
               the  crr ssing by writing across  the  face  of the order  the  words  "Please  pay cash" and
               ndrling his initials.
                Era$uru,  alleration.s.  &c.- If any erasure or alteration  is made, or if the order is cut,
               dffuced.  or mutilated.  payment  may be  refused.
                Postal Orders not mgt>liable.-Postal orders do not, like Bnn k of England notes. represent
               vulue  in  themselves.  If au order  is  lost  or stolen no person into  whose  hauds it may
               foil,  t hough  himself  innocent,  is  entitled  to  receive  the  amount  of  the  order.  1'he
               rightful owner is alone entitled to cash the order.
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