Page 73 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 73

CADLEGHAMS .                      69
               A  ~erlificd copy  of  a  telegram  may  be  obtained on application  to the Postmaster for
             Jama1ca on  payment  of a  fee of 6d.  1f special search  is  necessary the cost incurred  will
             he charged in addition.
               Inland  telegra ms arc retained on 61e for 3 months, and foreign telegrams for 6 month~.
               Abbreviated telegrnphic.addre.•ses (inland) for use at any office, may be registered with
             lhe  Postmaster  for  J amaiCa at a cost of 5{- per  annum,  or upon payment of £2  for  a
             permanent  address.
              Local  telegrams  from  authorized  Government officials,  members  of  t.he  Legislative
             Council  all(l  other a uthorized  persons on  public business are t.ransmitled free of charge.
              CADLEGUAMS.-Ji'ull  rate cablegrams for any part of the world may be handed in at any
             Telep;ntpb  Office  on  payment of the inland charge in addition to the amount charged  by
             the cable company.
      addressed  to  the  G1·e<tt  flritain.  Troland  and  Europe  will  be  routed
             "Via  Tmpcrial, ''  unles.~ otherwise  marked  by  the  sender.
              This  rout<'  offers the ad vantage of a direct, speedy nnd reliable  service between Jamaica
             and  the  Gr•·•t  Brhin  and  Ireland  and  Europe;  it  is  entirely  British  owned  and
             operated  and  touches  only  British  territory.
              Patrons  are  urged  to  mark their cablegrams ''Via  Imperial, "  for  which  indication no
             charge is  madP.
              Dt;t·r.nnF.o  CADLEGRAMS  in  plain  language  arc accented  a t  half rntes to  most  oarls
            of  the  world.
              WIRELESS  J\.JESSACES  for ships at sea a re accepted for transmission through t.heD.W.I.
             Cable  Co.'s  Kingston  Stntion  to vessels  wit.hin a  rndius of 300  miles  at a  rAte of lOd.
             word.  Vessels  b<•yond  this distnnee can  bo reached  at increased  rates.
              NIGHT t.El·rE:n CA:ar.Es  to  countries iu  Europe may be sent by po~l from London.  These
             mes~ap;es  must  bcnr  n  full  Postal  address  ;md  the  "orcls "rost J~ondon" which  arc
             charged  for  as  two  words.  A  gradual ed clmrgr·  to  cover  postage is also  collected  on
             ordinary or  registered  mail  by post or a ir.
              R~t.tes and  further  partieuh1rs on  application.
              CAot.E  TIATES.- Ordinary.  "Via  Bcrmudtl"  "Via  Bermuda  Impcritd"  per  word,
             Austria,  3/-;  fl<:lc:ium,  2/8L  Canada.  accord ing lo  location,  1/6  to  2/ 1; France, 2{8};
             G<'rmany.  2/9~; Grl'nt  Britnin and IrPland, 2/'l; United  States according t.o loca~io n , 1/6 to
            2{1.  Conlinental Rates subject to fiuc,ruations.
              "Via Bcrmuda-:vrnreoni" to Great Briluin and Ireland, 2/2 per word .
              Dejer~·ed-To nil  point.s  mentioned 11bovc  at h,df  the  rates  quoted .  These  mcss·tges
             must  be in plain language and must bear t.hc prefix, LCO (language of country of origin),
            LCD  (language  of  coun try  of  dispatch)  or  r,CF  (Frencl1)  which  is  ch:ngetl  for  and
            si[!nnllcd  ftS  thr  first· word  in  the address.  Rueh  n1es:;ages  must not contain code  words
            in  the  tPxt,  though  registered  cable  ~tddrcsscs may  be  used.
              Night  Leller  'fc/egroms.-Mioimurn  2;  word~.  Great  Britnin  and  lr!'!nnd,  19/6;
            C·• n' d'l, H·difnx :md Enst<'rn pro\·incc~. 12/G .o 13/ ll; 1\[:mitob~, l G/4; We~ tern Provinces,
            17/5; NC'wfoundhnd,  16/: T.;nitl'd Sbt<•s of  Am<'ric.1. 12/G  tu 17/5; rules to other countries
            on  epplic·Jtion.  Tlw  prefix  N.L.T.  is  written  befot<'  the ::ddr<'s~ and is chnrged for es
            OD<'  WMd.
              Code  1.-<mgtwge.-Code  telegr~ms.  d<'pf'ndl·nt  r n  ht.w th('y nre exprrs.•!'d. are divided
            iottJ  three  cntr-:rn•i<'~.   R:~t es and furllwr particulurs on  application.
              Reply  paid Cabl1•s.- R eplies to cabl!'s c, n  be prepaid, .the minimum paynwnt being for
            three w0rds, at filii rnt.t>.
              ALL  BJHTJSH RoUTE  TO  THE  B.W.I.-The  "All  British''  cable  to  the  British  West
            In dies is  open.  'Mess~tges for this  route should be routed "Via D .W.I. Cable  Co., I.ttl.''
            Hate 1/3 per word to British West Indian Islands ouly.  Deferred messages net. per word.
              A public telephone call  office is established nt Cross Roads Post Office.  The  fee is 2d.
            for a  conversation not exceeding three minutes.
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