Page 76 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 76


                 SouTHROOl\"D:  A  mail-carrying  air  plane  flies  from  Miami,
             U.S.A.,  (via  Havana., Cuba)  every  Sunday  ancl  Wednesday  at 9.30
             a.n1.,  arrives at Kingston on  the same clays  ut  5.25  p.rn.,  and  flies  to
             Cristobal  (via Barranquilla,  Col.)  on  lVIondays  and  Thursdays  at
             6.30 a m, arriving on the same clays at .) .00 p.m.

                 NoRTHBOUND :  A plane  flies from  Cristobal  (via Barranquilla)
             every Monday and Thmsday at 6. 30  a. m., arrives at Kingston on  the
             same  days  at  5.00  p.m.,  and  flies  to  Miami  (via  Havana)  on
             Tuesdays  and  Fridays  at.  8. 00  a. m.,  ani ving  on  thE'  same  days at
             5.15  p.m.

                 BAS1' AND  WESTBOUND:  A  plane flies  from Kingston every Thurs-
             day atfl.OOa.m.  for Port-au-Prince, Haiti ~md Santo DomingoCity,
             R epublic  of  Dominicana ani\'ing  at  l:tttet·  place  at  9  a.m.  on
             Snturclay.  Sameph.neflies from  Santo DomingoCijy toPort-aLl-Prince
             at.  3  !J.m.  on  Sntmday  :wcl  arrives  n.t  T\ingston  at  4.30  p.m.
             on  Tnesd!'l.y.

                 Planes  fly  d:-~ily  from  Miami  to  all  points  in  th(;>  United  States·
             Letters  for  New  York  City,  N.Y.  are due to reach that  city at 8.41
             a.m. on Wednesdays  and  Saturdays.
                On  pages  74-80  a Schedule  will  be found  showing the routes  and
             times  of anival of air mails for  the  principal  cities  of  Unite·l  States,
             Cana~la,  Mexico,  Central  America,  South  America,  and  the  West
             Indies;  also  the  air  mail routes  of  the London-to-Continent  services
             (and  beyond)  which  are  now  in  operation.

                Am  MAIL  FOR  Euno:rE  AXD  AFRICA :-Letters are  forwarded  by
            air  to  New  York  City  to  connect  with  t he  trans-Atlantic  steamers,
            affording an 8  to 12-day service to the United Kingdom  and the Con-
            tinent,  drpending  upon  the  speed  of  the  vessels  by  which  forwarded
            and the timeliness of the connexion in New  York.
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