Page 77 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 77

AIR  ~lAIL.                    73
                  Am  MAIL  FOR  AusTRALASIA,  E-re. :- Letters  for  Australasia,
              China, Japan, etc.,  arc forwardeJ by air to U.S. Pacific exchange  post
              office  for trn.tnmission  by steamer to destination.
                Special  attention  is  directed  to  the  fact  that  the unit of
              weight for Air M' letters is the half ounce and not the ounce
              as  for  steamer  m\
                Letters  int3nd ~d for  transmission by  air  must be  fully  pre ·
              paid to  the ext~nt of 25% of the air fee.  Thus: a  letter  weighing
              It oz.  addressed  to  the  United  States,  for  which  the  correct  postage
              is  1/ Ll~ ( =1/7t  air fee,  plus  4d.  regular  postage),  if  prepaid  51.
              would  be  Su!·charged  :3/ l  or  74  cents  ::tnd  be  forwarded  by  air  mail,
              but  if  pr·epaid  less  than  5 I.  it  would  not  be  forwarded  by  a·ir  but
              by  steamer.
                  (Rates for  IPtters  1\'righing  up  to  6  oz.  are  shown  in  following
              Tables.  Limit of  weight  is  41b.  6  oz.)
                           ROUTING  OF  AIR  MAIL  FROJ\-f  JAMAICA.
                    CLOSI~O DAYR  ,,~,)  n ouns AT  •rm;  G·~NBJt.H PosT  OFFICI~, Kn<OSTON.
              Tuesdays at 6.00   IVcdn~sdays at 5.00   Fridays at G.OO   Saturday$ al5.00
                 a.m.           p.m.            a.m.        p.m.
                Via Havana,  for:   1'ia Barranquilla,   Vi£1  Havana for:   I ia Barranqui!la
                               for:                        for:
              Cuba          Bral il        Cuba          Antig;ua
                            British  Guiaoa              Colombia
                l'ia Miami, for:  Colombia   Via Miami for:   St. Thomas
                           Dukh Guitlnu and              Trinidad
              Bahamas        French Guiann   Bnhamas     Vene~uela
              British Honduras   T rinidad   Cnn~da      Puerto Rico
              Cannda       Venc•ueh\      Dominicana (via  San
              Europe                        Pcrlro de Macoris)   Fia Cl'istobal for:
              Guatemala (via   Via Cristobal for:   Europe   Argentina
               Puerto Barrios)            ll1iti         C:\nnl Zone
              Mexico (Matamors  Argentina   ).lcxiro (l\Iatamors   Chili
               only)*      British  Honduras   only)*    Costa Rica
              United  States of   Canal Zone   P urrto Rico   Ecuador
                America     Chili         United  States of   El Sall'ador
                           Costa  Rica      America      Guatemala (via
                           Ecuador                        Guat.e1nala City)
                           El Sah·ador                   Honduras
                            Guatemala (via               Mexico (c~ccpt
                             Guatemala Citv and           i\fabmors)
                             Puerto Barriosj             Nicarn.gun
                            Honduras                     Panama
                           Mexico (except                Peru
                             :.\1ntarnors)               Uruguay
                             Via Port-au-Prince
                           Puerto Rico
                           flt. Thomas
              * For States of Pueblo anri YucD.tan only.
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