Page 56 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 56
- - «A56)) .i=:a-

«A50» -fA52 )1 ((A58~

Little River - A50 -Although this number was issued to Little River, apparently it was never used
there on GB stamps. In 1862 it was allocated to Malvern for use on Jamaican stamps.
Manchioneal - A52 - This post office was known to be open by1803 and is situated on the east
coast near the mouth of Hector's river. A52 was used here until 1862 when it was transferred to


Moneague -A56 -This office opened in the XVIIlth century and is sited at the junction oftbe

roads from St. Ann's Bay and Ocho Rios to Spanish Town.

Montpelier - A58- This numeral obliterator was used for only a very short time as the office was

closed before the end of 1859, and only 2 specimens of it arc known on GB stamps.
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