Page 423 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 423

Jamaica Registration: Postal Stationery Registered Envelopes.

                                         Size F envelopes: sub-types of the blue printing.

            Evidence suggests that the printing forme was assembled from at least three separate elements,
            any of which could be replaced without disturbing the rest: the printer’s imprint; the R in oval; and
            the crossed lines and inscription. Some distinguishing features in one of these elements persist
            when other elements alter. Even when the wording of the printer’s imprint changes, some minor
            features in other parts of the inscription remain the same. This creates sub-types within some of the
            five main types.  Some features also occur on envelopes supplied to other colonies.

                                    Swarbrick blue ink envelope type F1: THOS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD. PATENT.

             Variant F1(i):

               L full height    ↓

               O squashed.

                  W trimmed.

                                    Swarbrick blue ink envelope type F1a: THOS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD. PATENT.

             Variant F1a:

                   Short L.     ↓

                 O full height.

                   W intact.

                    Ex Swarbrick.

                                     This variant also occurs on the blue ink inscription of some other colonies’
                                     registered envelopes, and was noted by Oliver as ‘Broken L’ on a Leewards
                                     Islands envelope.
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