Page 428 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 428

Jamaica: Printed Paper, Book Post & Parcel

      Book Post & Circulars
      Frame 39 Printed Paper, Book Post & Parcel
                                                      Inland Rates
                 Bisections of the 1d were approved from 20 November 1861 for the ½d book post and newspaper rate.
                          Authority was withdrawn on 30 November 1872 after the ½d adhesive was issued.
      Usage was for newspaper wrappers which tended to be discarded and also for official purposes, the latter were destroyed about
              thirty years later by burning in the railway furnaces at Kingston, the bisected 1d on cover is now a scarce item.

                                                                                     Bath (17 Mar 1865) to Kingston

                                                                                                At Bath
                                                                                         P11 cds and A29 obliterator

                                                                                       Rate: 2½d = 5 times 1oz ½d rate.
   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432   433