Page 42 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 42



         Instructions for Registering, contd.
           The  instructions  regarding  fastening and sealing do not apply to packets con­
         taining  literature  for  the  blind and printed  papers  intended  for  registration  as
         these must be open to inspection whether registered or not.
           A postal article addressed to initials cannot be registered.
           The address must be clearly written in English but can be repeated in another
         language.  It must be written in ink or copying pencil.
           The full  postage and registration fee must  be prepaid at  the time  of posting.
           If in the opinion of an officer of the Post Office to whom an article is tendered
         for registration  the  packing  is  inadequate  or  if the article  is  unsuitable  for re­
         gistration for any other reason, registration of the article may be refused.
           Money  sent  by  registered  post  should  be  enclosed  in  one  of the  registered
         letter envelopes sold  by  the  Post  Office.  Coins must  be  packed  in  such a  way
         that they cannot move about inside the envelope.
         Advice of Delivery
           The  sender  of a  registered  article  may  obtain  an  advice  of its  delivery  by
         prepaying in stamps at the time of posting, the sum of 4c for an inland  registered
         letter or 20c for an overseas registered or insured letter.
                      Inland Service: Registration, Compensation
          Articles Irregularly Posted For Transmission Within the Island.
           An article marked in any way to indicate that it should be registered which is
         found  posted  amongst ordinary correspondence  is compulsorily  registered  and
         taxed as follows:
            (a)  Single registration fee, plus double the postage less any amount prepaid.
            (b)  Any  ordinary  article  (other  than  a  parcel)  which  may  contain  coin,
               bank  notes,  currency  notes,  negotiable  instruments  payable  to
               bearer, platinum, gold, or silver, whether manufactured or not, precious
               stones, jewels  or other precious articles  must  be registered  and  if it  is
               posted without registration will be  compulsorily  registered  and  taxed
               with double the deficiency of the postage plus the registration fee.
          In  the  event  of loss  or  damage  no  compensation  is  paid  on  an  irregularly
         posted article.
          Posting receipts are not issued for items thus registered.

          The Post Office pays compensation up to the limit set out  below for the loss
         or damage of inland registered articles subject to compliance with the conditions
         regarding  fastening,  sealing,  packing  and  so  on  indicated  in  section  headed
                 To cover compensation up to  S20   ..   . .40c
                 For each additional S20 (maximum compensation S800)  2c
          Compensation is not paid in respect  of unregistered postal  articles or items-
          Compulsorily registered (sec under “articles irregularly posted for transmissii
        within the Island above)
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