Page 37 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 37


                       Inland Post, Printed Papers, contd.
         Packets other than in the form of a roll:
                 2 ft. in length and  1  foot in breadth or depth
               5i inches by 3} inches
         Packets in the form of a roll:
               Length and  twice the diameter 3 ft.  3  inches, the greatest dimension
                 not to exceed 2 ft. 8 inches.
               Length  and  twice  the  diameter  6}  inches,  the  greatest  dimension
                 not to be less than 4 inches.
        In general the printed paper rate applies to all impressions or copies obtained
       upon paper or similar material, parchment  or cardboard, by  means of printing,
       engraving, lithography, mimeography, photography, or other readily recognizable
       mechanical process, except those obtained by means of the typewriter, tracing and
       hand stamps with or without movable types.
        Printed papers should be clearly marked in the upper left-hand comer “Printed
       Papers”. They are subject to examination in the post and must be made up in such
       a way as to be easily examined. They may be placed  in a wrapper, upon a roller,
       between  boards,  in  an  open  case  or  in  an  unclosed  envelope  furnished  with  a
       blunt fastening easy to open and replace; or they may be secured with string easy to
       untie. Printed matter in the form and substance of a card may be sent unenclosed
       without  band,  envelope, or fastening and  must  then  conform  to the conditions
       for  postcards  except  for  postage  and  maximum  dimensions.  Similarly,  printed
       papers may be sent unenclosed if they are folded in such a way that they cannot
       become unfolded during transmission, and that there is no risk of their entrapping
       other articles.

        The following articles or documents are transmissible as printed papers in the
       international post:
          Address cards               Pamphlets
          Advertisements              Paper patterns to be cut out
          Albums containing photographs  Periodical works
          Books, sewn or bound        Photocopies
          Catalogues                  Photographs
          Drawings                    Pictures
          Engravings                  Plans
          Greetings and visiting cards   Prospectuses
          Maps                       Proofs  of printing,  corrected  or un­
          Newspapers                   corrected  with  or  without  the
            Notices of various kinds printed,   relative manuscript
           engraved,  lithographed,  mimeo­ Sheets  of music  (but not  perforated
           graphed,  or photographed.  sheets intended for use with auto­
          Letters  and  postcards  exchanged  matic musical instruments).
            between pupils of schools provided
           that  these  items  are  sent  through
           the principals  of the schools  con­
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