Page 39 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 39


               Inland Post, Printed Papers,  Literature for the Blind, contd.

         Proofs of printing: Alterations and additions concerned with corrections,  form
       and  printing,  and  also such  notes as "Passed for  Press", or  similar  notes con­
       cerned with the  execution of the work.  Incase  of want of space, these additions
       may be made on separate sheets.
         Fashion  Papers:  Cut-out  patterns  which  bear  indications  that  they  form  an
       integral part of the paper with which they arc sent.
         Books (Printed literary and artistic productions): Books, pamphlets, newspapers,
       photographs,  engravings,  sheets  of music  and  in  general  all  literary  or  artistic
       productions,  whether  printed,  engraved,  lithographed  or  mimeographed,  may
       bear a dedication consisting of a simple expression of regard.
         Cuttings from newspapers and periodicals: The title, date, number and address of
       the publication from which the article is taken.
         Notices of Change of address: The old and new address of the sender and the
       date of the change.
         The  sender  may  enclose  in  a  packet  of printed  papers,  a  card,  envelope  or
       wrapper bearing his printed address or that  of his agent,  and  having a  postage
       stamp of the country of destination affixed for prepayment of the return postage.
       The relative open  invoice,  reduced to its essential elements together with  copies
       of the invoice deposit notes, may be enclosed with articles listed in the  paragraph
       "Books” above.
       Inadmissible articles
         Cinematograph  films and sound recordings, gramophone records,  stationery,
       postage stamps or forms of prepayment whether obliterated or not, or any paper
       representing  a  monetary  value,  or  printed  papers  of  which  the  text  has  been
       modified  after  printing  or  which  bear any  marks  whatever  of such  kind  as  to
       constitute a conventional  language or any  blank  paper,  note paper or  envelope
       (with  or  without  printed  address)  or  all  other  articles  of  stationery,  pure  or
       simple, punched paper tapes and  ADP Cards (automatic  data  processing)  bear­
       ing perforations, marks or signs, which could constitute annotations.

                   LITERATURE  FOR  THE  BLIND
        Books or papers impressed or intended  to be impressed in  “Braille”  or other
       special  type  or  any  articles  used  specially  by  the  blind  posted  unsealed  are
       accepted for conveyance to all destinations by surface mail, postage  free  up to a
       maximum weight of 15 lb.
        Books  or  papers  impressed  in  Braille  or  other  special  type  and  any  articles
       used  specially by the  blind,  plates  for  embossing  literature  for  the  blind  and
       sound records  intended  solely  for the  use of the  blind  posted  unsealed  may
       be sent by air mail to any destination at the special  rate of two  cents for  every
       two ounces or fraction thereof.
        In order to be eligible for this special rate the article must cither be  posted  by
       a recognized  institution  for  the  blind  in Jamaica or be  addressed  to a  recog­
       nized institution for the blind in another country.
        Packets of Literature for the Blind whether intended for  conveyance by  surface
       or air mail must not exceed 15  lb in weight.
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