Page 36 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 36


                    Inland Post, Postcards, Printed Papers, contd.

         No card may exceed 5J inches in length by 4J inches in width nor be less than 5j
       inches in length by 3+ inches in width. The material for private cards to be used a:
       postcards must  be ordinary cardboard  or paper not less than one-hundredth of
       an  inch thick  and  not  more flexible than  the postcards sold  by the Post Office,

         The right-hand half at least of the address side is reserved for the address and
       any necessary postal service indications. The postage stamps should be affixed to
       the top right-hand corner of this  portion. The remaining space is for the use o(
       the  sender.  All  postcards  other  than  picture  postcards  of  private  manufacture
       must  bear  on  their  face  the  word  “ postcard”  or  its  equivalent  in  anotha

         Nothing may be attached to a postcard except:—
          1.  Stamps in payment of postage.
          2.  A label or strip of paper completely adhered to the card, and bearing the
             name and address of the addressee.
          3.  A similar label (not to exceed 2 inches long and } inches wide) bearing the
             name and address of the sender of the card; and
          4.  Engravings,  drawings,  photographs,  and  printed matter  on very  thin
             paper and completely adherent to the card.
         A postcard may not be folded, nor may it be cut or altered in such a way asto
       reduce the size below 5J inches by 3i inches. A postcard may not be enclosed ina
       cover of any kind.

         If these conditions are not fulfilled the card will be treated as a letter.

         The articles specified in 3 and 4 above, may be affixed either to the back of the
       card or to the left-hand of the address side.

                           PRINTED  PAPERS

                   First  4 oz   ..            ..   9c
                   Over  4 oz to  8 oz         ..   10c
                   Over  8 o z to l2 'o z      ..   15c
                   Over 12 oz to  1 lb         ..   30c
                   Over  1 lb to  2 lb         ..   60c
                   Over  2 lb to  4 lb         ..   85c

         Printed  papers  wholly  unpaid  or  insufficiently  prepaid,  are  forwarded  but
       charged on delivery with double the deficiency.
       LIMIT OF WEIGHT: 4  lb
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