Page 31 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 31

           Other Postal Charges—Postage Stamps and Stamped Stationery, contd.

        Money Order Commission
           On orders drawn on—
           Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados,
           Bermuda, Belize, Cayman
           Islands, Dominica, Grenada,   For first $4          5c
           Guyana, Montserrat, Nevis,   For each additional S2 or part
           St. Kitts, St.  Lucia,  St.  Vin­ thereof           2c
           cent, Tortola Trinidad and
           Tobago and Turks Islands   J
           All Other Countries   .. For first S2  ..           5c
                                For each additional S2 or part
                                thereof                        2c
         All Money Orders for countries to which there is no direct service—an additio­
        nal commission is deducted from the value of the order by the forwarding country.
        Registration Fees
           Inland     ..       ..  To cover compensation up to S20  ..   40c
                                  For each additional S20 (maximum
                                   compensation S800)  ..   ..   2c
           Other Countries     ..  40c per article.
                                   (maximum compensation $14.33)
                                  Sale Price   Surrender Value in  Jamaica
        International Reply Coupons  ..   36c        18c
         For other charges  and more  detailed  information see the relative sections  of
        the Guide


         Postage stamps of the following denominations are on sale:—
        lc, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 30c, 50c, SI and $2.
         The following is a  brief description  of the stamps together with the dates of

                                                         Dates of
        Denominations             Description             Issue
              lc   Pimento, well known for its quality as a spice
              2c   Red Ginger (Guillainia Purpurata)      5.6.72
              3c   Bauxite Industry
              4c   Kingston Harbour and Causeway linking
                     Kingston with the South St. Catherine plains  /   17.4.72
              5c   Oil Refinery                       }
              6c   Senate Building, University of the West Indies  J  5.6.72
              8c   National Stadium                   \
              9c   Devon House—National Monument      J
              10c   Air Jamaica—the National Airline      17.4.72
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