Page 27 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 27


                  Summary: Principal  Services, etc. Inland, contd.

      Newspapers or Magazines
        (Printed and published in   Limits of Size:
         Jamaica  at  intervals  o f   Same  as  for  “ Printed  Papers”.
         not more than 31 days or     See also page 38
         registered at  the Gener­
         al  Post  Office, London)  Limit of Weight:  1 i  lb
        5c per copy irrespective
         of weight. Maximum
         weight: l^lb
        Charges:                    The  registration  service  covers  letters,
         (Additional to normal        letter  packets  and  parcels.  Articles
         postage)                     intended  for  registration  must  be
                                      handed  to  an  officer  of  the  Post
        To cover compensation         Office.  A  certificate  of  posting  must
         up to S20      ..   40c      be obtained.  See also pages 39—40
        For each additional S20
         up to maximum $800   2c
        Charges:                    Limit of Weight: 20 lb
         12c per  lb                Limits of Size
                                    3 feet 6 inches, in length, 6 feet in length
                                      breadth and depth  combined.
                                      See also page 45
        Advice of Delivery Fee   4c   Sec also page 40
      Express Delivery Service
                                    Limit of Weight: Letters   ..   4 lb
                                    Parcels     ..        ..    7 lb
                                      Other articles  ..   .. normal
         Normal Postage plus   20c  Delivery  by  special  messenger  imme­
                                      diately  after  receipt  at  office  of des­
                                      tination—Service  extends  to  all  Post
                                      Offices  in  the  Corporate  Area  of
                                      Kingston  and  St.  Andrew  and  to
                                      District Post Offices listed at page 41
      Business Reply Service
       On each item normal
         postage plus a fee of 2c   This  service  enables  a  person  or  firm
                                      to receive cards or  letters from clients
                                     without  prepayment of postage,  with
                                     the fee of 2c on each item being  paid
                                      by  the  addressee.  The  service  is
                                     available only for articles  posted and
                                     delivered  within  Jamaica.  A  licence
                                     to  use this service  must  be  obtained
                                     from the Postmaster General.
                                     See also pages 43—45
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