Page 40 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 40

        38    POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

              Inland  Post,  Literature  For  The  Blind,  Newspapers

          The maximum and  minimum dimensions are the same as for printed  papers.
          No communication either in writing or printed in ordinary type may be enclo­
        sed  in a  packet  of Literature  for the  Blind except  the title,  date of publication,
        serial  number,  names and  addresses  of the  manufacturer,  printer  or  publisher,
        price and table of contents of the articles and any key to, or instructions for, the
        use of the special type, or any enclosure except a label for the return of articles.
          Articles should be clearly marked in the upper left hand corner “Literature  for
        the Blind".

           Charge:  5c per copy
           Limit of weight:  1}  lb
          The following are accepted for conveyance as Newspapers:—
           (a)   Any newspaper or magazine  printed and  published in  the  island  at
                intervals of not more than 31 days;
           (b)  Any British publication registered as a newspaper at the G.P.O.,  London

          Newspapers not conforming to the definition at (a) and (b) above arc  transmit­
        ted at the printed paper rate.

          Any  supplement  issued  with  a  newspaper  must  consist  wholly  or  mainly  of
        matter  like  that  of the  newspaper,  or  of advertisements,  printed  on  paper,  or
        wholly  or  partly  of pictorial  matter  illustrative of articles  in  the  newspaper;  it
        must in every case be published with the newspaper, and have the whole or part
        of the title of the newspaper printed  at  the top of every  page,  or at  the  top of
        every sheet or side on which any such pictorial matter appears.  All sheets of the
        supplement  must  be  put together in  some  one  part  of the newspaper,  whether
        gummed  or stitched  up  with  the newspaper  or not.  The  supplement  or supple­
        ments  issued  with  any  number of a  registered  newspaper  may  not  exceed  the
        newspaper itself in size or weight.

          The Post Office cannot regard a document as a supplement  merely  because it
        is printed under that title.  A separate document  intended to be  used for separate
        purposes is not a supplement to a  newspaper.  For  example,  documents of the
        following descriptions if enclosed in copies of registered newspapers  render  them
        inadmissible at the newspaper rate of postage:
          1.  Any document not printed by the responsible printer of the  paper,  such as
        an advertisement sheet  printed for an advertiser and  sent to the  publisher  of a
        newspaper for distribution with it;
          2.  A  contents  bill,  an  advertisement  sheet  with  an  order  form  attached,  a
        prospectus with an application form attached, or a proposal or inquiry  form;  or
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