Page 45 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 45


                 Inland Service: Business Reply Service, contd.

     Design of cards and soon:  Specimens of all  cards,  envelopes, folders and labels
     proposed to be issued to correspondents and of the advertisements in which the
     design is proposed to be incorporated for use as aforesaid must be forwarded by
     the licensee to the Postmaster General for approval and no card, envelope, folder
     or  label  for  issue  to  correspondents,  and  no  advertisement  incorporating  the
     said design may be used until a specimen thereof has been approved by the Post­
     master General in writing.
      The  Postmaster  General’s  approval  is  required  not  only  for initial  supplies
     of business  reply  cards  and  so  on,  but  also  for  subsequent  supplies where  the
     layout differs in any way from the original supply.

                      Specimen Business Reply Card

       Postage                                   No postage
      will be                                    stamp
       paid by                                   necessary
      Licensee                                   if posted
                                                 in Jamaica

                  Business Reply Service
                  Licence N o.


     1.  The design must be not less than 5 inches long by 3} inches wide;

     2.  The name and full postal address of the licensee must be printed parallel to
       the length below the panel containing the licence number;
     3.  A space of not less than 1^ inches must be left between the top edge and the
       top of the licence number panel;
     4.  The words No postage stamp necessary if posted in Jamaica must be printed
       in the top right-hand corner;
     5.  The word  Postage  will be paid by Licensee must  be printed  in  the top left-
       hand  corner.  The  name  of the  licensee  may  be  used  instead  of  the  word
     6.  There  must  be  two  wide  vertical  lines  near  the  right-hand  edge.  Nothing
       other than the design, licence number and address may appear on the address
     7.  The design and address should preferably  be printed in black but any deep
       colour (for example, green, blue or brown) except red, orange or yellow will
       be accepted provided that the printing is in strong contrast with the colour of
       the card or paper.
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