Page 46 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 46


              Inland Service: Business Reply Service, Franking Machines
        8.  The printing on cards and so on for transmission at  the printed  paper rate
          must not be in imitation of typewriting;
        9.  Cards must be of material not less than one-hundredth of an inch thick and
          not more flexible than the postcards issued and sold by the Post Office;
       10.  Labels must be printed on paper which will readily take an adhesive substance
          and which is not too thick to admit of the label  being  securely  pasted down;
       11.  Folders  must,  where  possible,  be  so  arranged  that  there  are  folds  above
          and  to  the  right  of the  top  right-hand  corner of the  address  side.  Flimsy
          paper is not suitable for folders.
       Miscellaneous conditions: In other respects business reply cards and so on will be
       subject to the general regulations relating to the inland letter, post card, and prin­
       ted papers post except that they cannot be redirected after delivery at the business
       reply  address,  and,  if  re-transmitted,  must  be enclosed  in  a cover and postage
       Fees: A fee of 2c in addition to the normal postage will be charged on each card
       and so on returned by post to the licensee for example, a 10c letter will be charged
       12c, and a 5c  postcard will be charged 7c.
       Payment of Postage in Cash
        Senders  of  large  quantities of correspondence  may  prepay  postage  charges
       in cash  or  by means  of certified cheques at  the  General  Post  Office,  Kingston.
        All  postal  articles  except  registered  and  insured  articles  and  parcels  will  be
       accepted  provided  the  total charge on each  posting which must  be paid  before
       or at the time of posting, is not less than SI in value.
        Each posting must be handed in at the General  Post Office between  10.00  a.m.
       and  4.00  p.m.  and  must  consist  of the  same  category  of  correspondence,  i.e.,
       solely  of letters, newspapers or circulars  and each  article  must  be  liable  to the
       same rate of postage.
        Letters and circulars must be tied up in bundles of 50 with the address arranged
       in the same direction and bulky articles and newspapers in bundles of 10.
        At  the time of posting the sender will  present  a statement  certifying that  the
       articles are tied in  bundles of 50 or 10 and that they all consist of the same cate­
       gory of correspondence subject to the same postage charge.
        On  the special  authority  of the Postmaster General  in  each case,  newspaper
       offices may be allowed to send their newspaper wrappers for stamping as “paid”
      24 hours before the time of posting subject to the name of the newspaper being
      clearly printed on the wrappers.
      Prepayment of Postage by Franking Machine Impressions
      Franking (Postage Meter) Machines
        Users of these machines must conform to the following conditions:—
          1.  They must obtain the Postmaster General’s permission for their use.
          2.  Payments in  advance  in  respect  of postage must  be  made from time  to
            time at a specified Post Office where the  machine must be presented  for
            meter setting.
          3.  The correspondence franked by the machine  must  be faced,  securely  tied
            in  bundles  and  handed  in  at  a  specified  office,  not  necessarily  that  at
            which the machine is periodically taken for control.
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