Page 51 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 51


              General Information: Preparing Correspondence for Posting

       The Postmaster General appeals to members of  the public to co-operate wit
      the Post Oflicc in preventing delay by:—
         (a)  Displaying their own correct  postal address on their notepaper, visitij
      cards, business communications, advertisements, etc.
         (b)  Addressing all articles with the full address given by the person to who
            they arc writing. It should be noted, however, that in the case of lettcj
            etc., addressed to a Post Office Box number, the street address should n
            be included as this causes confusion. Such articles should  bear only tl
            name of the person or firm, the Post Office Box number and the name
            the  office  and  the  parish  of destination plus  the postal code and  tl
            name of country of destination if necessary.
         (c)  Typing or writing the address legibly on the lower part and towards tl
            right-hand  side  of  the  front  of  the  cover  with  a  clear  margin  abo'
            (not less than  1| inches deep) for the postage stamps and postmarks,
            assists materially if BLOCK capital  letters are used for the name of tl
            Post Town.

       The  Post  Office  cannot  undertake  to  correct  or  complete  a  wrong or a
      incomplete  address.  Full  and  correct  postal  addresses  should  be  stated  ini

         (a)  Corporate Area (within areas delivered by postmen)
              Name, with initials,
              House No. (or Name), Street, Road,  etc.
              Kingston..................(Correct District Number)

         (b)  Corporate Area (box renters)
              Name, with all initials
              P.O. Box..................(Number).
              Kingston..................(Correct District Number)
              (If Box No. not included, Post Office cannot be expected to sort lette
              into the box. Do not include the street address as well as the Box numbt

         (c)  Country (where box not rented)
              Name, with all initials,
              House No. (or Name), Street, Road, or Lane,
              District (if any)
              ..................P.O./P.A. (of Delivery)
             Where there is no delivery by postmen and letters arc called for at tl
            Post  Office,  the  full  address  as  in  (c)  should  be  used.  “John Browi
            Mandeville P.O.” is insufficient to identify the addressee.
         (d)  Country (Box renters)
             Name, with all initials,
             P.O.  Box..................(number)
              ..................................... P.O.
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