Page 53 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 53

     General  Information:  Special  Packing  Regulations  For  Certain  Articles,  contd.

       Butter,  cream,  semi-liquids:  These  and  greasy  or  strong  smelling  substance
     must be so packed that they will not soil or taint  other packets.  Where a tin i
     used, for example for cream, the lid must fit tightly, and the tin should be wrappet
     in greaseproof or corrugated  paper and securely tied with string crossing the lit
     in  two  directions.  Semi-liquids,  butter  and  other  greasy  substances,  if sent  b;
     letter post, must have a securely closed inner cover of greaseproof paper or soni
     substance impervious to moisture and grease, in addition to an outer covering o
     strong corrugated cardboard, wood, metal or plastic material, sufficiently  stroni
     to prevent any risk  of the contents escaping during transit. The container  mus
     be perfectly leakproof.
       Celluloid:  Letters  or  parcels  containing  thoroughly  seasoned  raw  cclluloii
     (including scrap celluloid), that is, celluloid which has been freed from all  volati]
     solvents,  or articles  (other than cinematograph  and  photographic films)  mant
     facturcd  of celluloid  which  have  been  similarly  seasoned,  may  be accepted  fc
     transmission by post if packed in cardboard boxes, corrugated cardboard carton
     or wooden boxes, or completely enclosed in corrugated cardboard. Raw celluloid
     containing volatile solvent (that is, unseasoned), sometimes called xylonite  cakt
     also liquid celluloid (celluloid solutions), may not be sent  by post.  Calendars an
     similar articles, in which, only a small quantity of thoroughly seasoned celluloi
      is used,  may be accepted for transmission under the ordinary conditions. Flan
      rnable films, raw or manufactured celluloid must be provided on the address sid
     with a large label  with  the words "Celluloid.  Keep away from fire and light".
       Coin, bullion and jewellery and other precious metals: These must be enclosed i
      a strong metal box case of wood  of a minimum thickness of J  of an inch or tw
      seamless bags forming a double wrapping. Cases made of plywood must be of
     thickness of 3/I6 of an inch provided that the edges of the case are reinforced  b
      metal angle strips. The address must  be written on  the covering. Seals must t
      placed along the edges of each join or loose flap, at distances of not more than
      inches.  Further  in  the case of jewellery exceeding S200  in  value,  the  box  mui
      measure at least 3 feet 6 inches in length and girth combined.
       Dyes and similar substances: These must  be enclosed in  a  perfectly leakprot
      metal  box,  placed inside a  box of good quality corrugated cardboard, wood <
      strong  plastic  material  with  sawdust  or  any  other  appropriate  absorbent  an
      protective material between the two receptacles.
       Eggs: The safe transit of eggs cannot be guaranteed, but the following metho
      of packing is recommended:
       Use a wooden or other rigid box with suitable partitions and well-fitting lidfl
      wrap each egg separately in newspaper or other soft material; place the eggs on
      end each in  a separate partition;  put a layer of soft  packing material  in  the bo*,
      above and below the eggs; and fill up the vacant spaces with newspaper or otbtf'
      soft packing. The parcel should be marked "Eggs".
       Fatty substances:  which do not  easily  liquify  such  as  ointments,  soft-soap
      resins and silk worm eggs must be enclosed in a first packing of bag, box, plast*
      etc.,  which must itself be placed  in a box  of wood,  metal or any other materia
      strong enough to prevent leakage.
      Films (cinematograph and photographic)
        1.  Inflammable films, i.e.,  with a mitro-cellulose base: These must be packed i
      a tin case enclosed in either a strong  wooden box or a vulcanized  fibre  contain:
      and around the tin suitable soft  packing material must be provided so as to su
      round it entirely and to hold it firmly in position.
        A  white  label  bearing  the  word "Films—Inflammable" in  plain  black  lette
      must be affixed to the packet.
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