Page 52 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 52


                   PACKING  AND  MAKE-UP

    General Information
      Letters and  postal  packets  of every kind,  especially  parcels,  must  be  packed
    and closed in a manner which is suitable to the weight and shape of the contents;
    not only to preserve the contents from loss or damage in the post, but also not to
    injure other packets or any officer of the Post Office. If insecurely packed they are
    liable to  be stopped.  The public is warned that packets insecurely packed which
    are likely to injure other postal packets in course of conveyance or any  officer of
    the Post Office must not be sent by post. A higher standard of packing is required
    for articles addressed to distant countries than in the inland post.

                    PERISHABLE  ARTICLES

      Eggs,  Fish,  Meat,  Fruit  and  Vegetables  are  transmissible  by  Inland  Parcel
    Post only. They must not be included  in  Parcels or Packets addressed to Oversea

      All parcels containing food of any description or any other articles attractive to
    rats should be packed in receptacles which are rat-proof.

                  GENERAL  INFORMATION
                   FOR  CERTAIN  ARTICLES

     Any fragile article  whether sent  by registered  or  unregistered  parcel  post,  or
    registered  letter  post  must  be  packed  in  a  container  of sufficient  strength  and
    surrounded in that container with sufficient and suitable soft material or wadding
    to protect the article from the effects of concussion, pressure and knocks to which
    postal packets are ordinarily exposed in transmission, and the packet must bear
    the words  “Fragile with Care"  written  conspicuously  on  the  face of  the cover
    above the address.

     The following are  the methods of packing  recommended  for the substances
    mentioned below:—
     Articles of thin section  moulded from  plastic  materials;  wireless apparatus  and
    so on:  Articles consisting wholly or partly of bakelite or other plastic materials,
    moulded  in thin section  which are liable to damage on  account  of their shape,
    should be packed in rigid  boxes of strong cardboard, wood, or metal  or strong
    plastic material.  Ample soft packing should  be provided to prevent movement.
    Special care  should  be taken to protect adequately any projecting fragile parts
    in order to avoid damage through jolting or pressure. In the case of electrical or
    wireless goods additional support should be provided for heavy attached compo­
    nent parts.  Valves, electric bulbs and so on should be sent separately packed in
    ample soft  packing such  as cotton-wool  and  enclosed in  a rigid  box of wood,
    fibreboard or strong corrugated cardboard.
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