Page 57 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 57


      General Information: Speeial Packing  Regulations For Certain Articles, contd.

      Maps, drawings and so on:  These should be enclosed in strong  cardboard  tubes
     with rigid support in the form of a wooden rod inside the roll, or stout  strips of
     wood on the outside as recommended for umbrellas and so on.

      Live bees, leeches, silkworms and certain parasites:  Live bees,  leeches and silk­
     worms must be enclosed in boxes so constructed as to avoid all  risk  of injury to
     officers of the Post Office and to allow the contents to be ascertained.  The  parcel
     should  bear  a  label  with  with the words “Live Animals” written in bold letters
      Metal castings, tiles and similar articles:These should  be packed in rigid boxes
     of wood  or fibreboard  with  plenty  of soft  material,  such  as  straw  roping,  hay
     roping or wood wool to prevent movement within the  box.  The boxes should be
     tied securely with strong string.
      Musical  instruments:  These  should  be  enclosed  in  stout  wooden  cases  with
     sufficient  soft  packing to prevent movement and damage through jolting. Leather
     or cloth  cases  do  not  alford  adequate  protection,  especially  to stringed  instru­
     ments.  The  bridges  of  stringed  instruments  should  be  removed  and  packed
      Nuts, bolts, small machine parts and so on:  Becauses of their very  heavy weight,
     nuts, bolts, small machine parts and so on, are liable to burst all but  the strongest
     packing.  Such  articles  should  be  wrapped  in  hessian,  sacking  or  similar  stout
     material  with  sufficient soft  packing  to  prevent  movement  and  be  tied  securely
     with strong string.
      Paint, varnish, enamel and kindred substances:  Those with flashpoints of 150°F.
     and  over  may  be sent  by  letter  or  parcel  post  subject  to  compliance with  the
     packing conditions for liquids.  Those with flashpoints  between  90°F and  150CF.
     may be sent by letter or  parcel post provided not more than one quart  is enclosed
     in a single postal packet and the following special packing conditions are complied
      The substance must be in a metal container hermetically scaled or, if in a lever
     top  tin,  with  the  lid  fastened  down  to the  body  of the tin  by  means  of solder.
     (Tins with lids affixed to the body solely by means of wire clips must not be used).
     An air space of not less than 7J- per cent of the container’s  total  cubic  content
     must be left in each tin.

      The  tin  containing  the  substance  itself must  be  packed  in  a  stout  metal  or
     wooden  box  with  the  lid  fixed  in  such  a  manner that  it  cannot  easily  become
     detached.  Between the box and in the space there  must be packed sufficient  saw­
     dust or other absorbent material to prevent movement of the inner container  and
     to absorb all  the liquid  contents in  the  event of breakage.  Exceptionally,  small
     packets not exceeding 8oz gross weight may be sent by parcel or letter  post under
     the packing conditions laid down for liquids (see above).
      Paints and so on with flashpoints lower than 90°F.  are totally  prohibited from
     transmission by post.
      Pictures in frames:  Pictures in frames should be protected at the front and  back
     by stout w'ooden boards each rather longer than the frame.  Soft packing  should
     be placed firmly between the corners of the frame and the boards,  but not so as to
     press on the glass.
      Powders and  fine grains:  These must  be so packed  that  the contents will  not
     soil or taint other packets.  They must have an inner covering,  securely closed and
     a strong outer covering of metal, wood, fibreboard, cardboard or  strong plastic
     material.  Cardboard  boxes  are not  suitable,  however,  for  quantities  exceeding
     3  lb in weight.
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