Page 62 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 62


               General  Information: Embarrassing Packets, contd.

          A rectangular area situated at least:—
            1 y  from the top edge of the envelope
            ¥ ' from the right-hand edge
            i"  from the bottom edge
     and  not  more  than  5J"  from  the  right-hand  edge  be  reserved  for  the address.

     Non-Standardised Envelopes: which do not comply with  the  above conditions  as
     well as:—
           (i)  folded cards
           (ii)  items closed by means of staples,
          (iii)  punched cards sent unenclosed
              (without an envelope)
     arc  not  considered  standardised  and  may  attract  a  postage  equivalent  to  the
     second weight step instead of the first.

     Window Envelopes
       A packet enclosed in a  Window envelope, that is an envelope with a transparent
     pane! which does not conform to the following conditions as well as to the dimen­
     sions set out under “Ordinary Envelopes” :—
        (a)  the transparent panel must be at least:—
              li"  from the top of the envelope
              i"  from the right-hand edge
                 from the left-hand edge
              i"  from the bottom edge
           and the  panel  may  not  be  bordered  by  a  coloured  band  or  frame.
        (b)  the panel is situated on the plain side of the envelope, that is to say, the
           side that is not provided with the closing flap;
        (c)  the panel is made of such material and in such manner that the address
           is easily legible through it;
        (d)  the  panel  is  rectangular  and  its  greatest  dimension  is  parallel  to  the
           length of the envelope, so that  the address of the addressee appears in
           same direction and adequate space is left for the application of the date
        (e)  there  is  adequate  space  between  the  side  and  bottom  edges  of  the
           envelope and  those  of the panel so  that the edges of the panel adhere
           firmly to the inside edges of the opening in the envelope;
        (0  only the address of the addressee is visible,  or stands out clearly through
           the panel;
        (g)  the contents of the envelope are folded in such manner that the address
           of the addressee is at all times visible through the panel, whether or not
           the contents shift in the envelope.
        (h)  the  address  must  be  legibly  indicated  in  ink, by typewriting,  or  by a
           printing  process  in  a  deep  colour.  Articles  addressed  in  copying-ink
           pencil or lead pencil are not admitted.
        (i)  a packet enclosed in an envelope of which the address portion has been
           divided into separate sections for the insertion of successive addresses.
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