Page 66 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 66


             General Information: Delivery of Correspondence, contd.

      A  private  box  may not  be rented  or used  by more  than  one  person,  firm  or
     corporation  except  that  correspondence  addressed  to  employees  of the  renter
     or to any person care of the renter may be placed in the box.
      The box number should form part of the address of correspondence addressed
     to a boxholder.
      No person may rent a box under an assumed name or for an improper  purpose.

      A boxholder may not cede or transfer his box to any other person.

      If the key of a box is lost a charge of $2.50 is made for a new key.
      Delivery into a box is in all respects deemed equivalent to personal delivery  to
     the addressee.

      Any  mail  matter  erroneously  delivered,  or  which  through wrong  address  is
     sorted into a private box must be returned immediately to the Post Office  with the
     words “Not for Box No..............” written thereon.

      The Postmaster General may in his absolute discretion,  refuse to allot a box to
     to an applicant without assigning any reason for so doing, or may  withdraw the
     privilege of renting a box by giving to the renter a month’s notice of his  intention
     to do so.

     Advice Lists
      On  payment  of  an  additional  annual  fee  of  S4  the  renter  of  private  letter
     box shall be entitled to receive a serially numbered registered  advice  list  contain­
     ing particulars of the number and place of  origin of  registered  articles  delivered
     to him.

     Private Letter Bags
      By  permission  of  the  Postmaster  General any  person  may  have  his  letters
     conveyed to and  from  the  Post Office in a private  bag on payment of an  ann­
     ual fee of:—
        (a)  Eight dollars when the bag is conveyed by an employee of the  holder of
          the bag;
        (b)  Ten  dollars  when  it  is conveyed  by  a mail  contractor,  a  mail  Courier
          or other employee of the Post and Telegraphs Department.
      The fees are payable in advance.
      The bag,  to  be provided  by  the  person requiring  the  service  should  be fitted
      ‘th a lock, one key of which is kept by the Post Office and the other by the  owner
      the bag.

      'Vhere a private letter box, advice list or private letter bag service is introduced
     v *er the  1st April  of any year the rental  up to the 31st  March of the following
        is calculated at the rate of one-twelfth for each month,  part of a month, a
      °ken period of the first month being reckoned as a full month.
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