Page 69 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 69

          General  Information:  Office  Correspondence,  Miscellaneous

         4.  Reading matter for the blind printed in Braille or similar script, posted b
            the  Territorial  Commander  of  the  Salvation  Army,  on  the  followinj
               (a)  The  cover  of each  such  packet  to  bear  the  signature  and  dej
                  ignation of Territorial Commander.
               (b)  To be endorscd-“Literature for the Blind”
               (c)  Each  packet  of such  literature  to  be  returned  to  Kingston ti
                   bear  a  label  addressed  “The Territorial  Commander, Salvatioi
                  Army, Kingston”, duly signed and endorsed as above.
          Postal  Packets  addressed to Government  Departments,  Members of Par­
         liament and Postmasters.
         A letter or other postal packet  addressed to a  Government  Department  othe
       than  those  listed  above,  or  a  member of  either  House  of  Parliament,  th
       Postmaster  General, a  Postmaster  or  Postal  Agent  should  be  prepaid just i
       if it were addressed to a private person.


       Secrecy of the Post
         Postmasters have no discretionary power to supply information about  lette
       or  any  kind  of postal  packet  to  persons  other  than  those  to  whom  they a
       addressed.  They  are  not  allowed  to  make  public any  official  information  of
       private character.
       Re-delivery to the Sender of Postal Articles in the course of Transmission by Post
         No letter, parcel or other postal packet once it has been posted in a post offii
       receptacle or handed to any officer of the post office in the course of his duty mi
       be returned to the sender without the authority of the Minister of Public Uti
       ties  and  Transport.
       Detention or Diversion of Postal Packets
         No letter, parcel or other postal packet once it has been posted or handed to an
       officer at the post office in the course of his duty may be detained or delayed eve
       if a request to that effect appears on the cover. It must be forwarded to its addres
       and cannot be diverted to any other address at the request of the sender.  Sin
       ilarlv applications to enclose articles inadvertently omitted from a postal  pack!
       cannot  be entertained nor can  search  be made for a  letter,  postcard or print*
       paper on which postage has not been fully paid.
       Evasion of Postage
         Nothing sent through the post may contain an enclosure which is directed to
       name and address different from  the name and address borne on the cover an
       which  is  enclosed  with  the  intention  of evading  postage.  Any  such  forbidd*
       enclosure, if observed, is liable to be  taken  out  and  forwarded to the address*
       and charged with separate postage at the rate properly prepaid.
         Postmasters are not bound to give change when receiving a payment, nor at
       they authorised to demand it when making a payment.  When money is paid at
       Post Office, whether as change or otherwise, no question as to its correctness c fl
       be entertained after the customer has left the counter.   I
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