Page 68 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 68

      General  Information:  Re-direction, Official  Correspondence

     A  letter  or  postcard  originally  posted  unpaid,  or  insufficiently  pre-paid,
   and subsequently  rc-dircctcd,  though  not  chargeable  for  re-direction,  is subject
   to a charge  plus a  handling  fee on  delivery  if it  originated  outside  of Jamaica
   and a surcharge of double the deficiency if it originated  in the island.  In the case
   of air mail articles for which re-transmissionby air  is desired, the appropriate air
    postage for the second  transmission  must  be prepaid.


     Members  of the  public  are  not  required  to  pay  postage  on  correspondence
    addressed to any of the following:—
        Accountant General
        Chief Inspector under the Agricultural  Produce Act
        Chief Medical Officer
        Chief Technical Officer, Agriculture
        Chief Veterinary Officer
        Collector General
        Collector of Customs and Shipping Master
        Collectors of Taxes and Assistant Collectors of Taxes
        Commissioner of Income Tax
        Commissioner of Stamp Duties and Estate Duties
        Government Bacteriologist
        Medical Officers
        Medical Officers (Health)
        Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education
        Principal Education Officer, Senior Education Officers, Education
         Officers and Assistant Education Officers
        Principal  Medical Officer
        Senior  Medical  Officers,  Bellevue,  Kingston Public  Hospital,  National
         Chest Hospital and Victoria Jubilee Maternity Hospital
        Senior Veterinary Officer and Veterinary Officers
        Tuberculosis Officer
        Valuation Commissioner
        The Workers Savings and Loan Bank.
     Free registration is only permitted in the case of correspondence addressed to:—
        Collectors of Taxes and Assistant Collectors of Taxes
       The Workers Savings and Loan Bank
     If a member of the  public wishes to  register a  letter addressed  to  any other
   officer listed above he or she must pay the registration fee.
     Additionally,  the following are allowed to  pass  through  the  Post Office  free
   of Postage:—
     1.  Printed notices (“consignee’s  undelivered  goods”),  posted in open  official
       envelopes  by  railway  station  agents,  and  bearing  the  stamp  “Jamaica
       Government  Railway”  or  “Jamaica  Railway  Corporation”.
     2.  Letters headed  “Infectious  Diseases Notification”,  bearing the  signature
       of the Medical Practitioner and addressed to a Medical  Officer of Health or
       the Central Board of Health or a Local Board of Health.
     3.  Parcels containing artificial limbs sent by Ex-service men of the B.W.I.R.
       addressed to the Military authorities at Up-Park Camp.
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