Page 70 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 70


              General  Information:  Miscellaneous,  contd.

      Cheques will  be accepted  for Savings  Bank deposits, or in payment of rentals
     for  private  letter  boxes,  private  bags  and  abbreviated  telegraphic  addresses.
      Cheques can  only  be accepted  for the purchase of stamps,  money orders and
     postal orders or for the payment  of customs duties or other services if they are
     drawn on a Jamaica bank and certified by the bank on which they are drawn.
     Enquiries and Complaints
      Normal enquiries and complaints can usually be dealt  with  by the Postmaster
     of the  district  in  which  the  applicant  resides  or  carries  on  his  business.  If it
     appears  that  the  local  Postmaster is  unable  to  give  satisfaction  the  enquiry  or
     complaint  should  be  addressed  to the  Regional Inspector  of the  region  at  the
     address given in the front of the Guide.

     Responsibility for loss, etc.
      The Government does not incur any  liability  consequent  upon the loss, mis­
     delivery, delay of or damage to any postal article in the course of transmission by
     post.  No officer of the Post and Telegraphs Department incurs any liability by
     reason of such loss, misdelivery, delay or damage unless that person shall know­
     ingly cause the same fraudulently or maliciously or by his wilful act or default.

     Articles of Value
      Articles of considerable value should not  be sent  by  post  unless registered or
     insured.  Any person who sends such articles otherwise not only runs the risk of
     losing  his  property  without  compensation  but  exposes  to  temptation  everyone
     through whose hands the articles pass. See also page 40.

     Disposal of Undeliverable Correspondence
      Undeliverable postal articles posted in Jamaica other than parcels are returned
     unopened direct to the sender if the name and address are shown on the outside;
     otherwise they are sent to the Dead Letter Office where they are opened to ascer­
     tain if there  is any  enclosure  which  would  indicate  by  whom  the  article  was
      Undeliverable registered and insured articles and unregistered  articles  found to
    contain anything of value which cannot be returned to the senders are retained in
    the Dead  Letter Office for a fixed  period  in case they are claimed  by either the
    sender or the addressee.  If not claimed they are disposed of in accordance with
      Undeliverable  articles,  other  than  parcels,  posted  in  any  other  country  are
    returned to the country of origin for disposal.
      Undeliverable printed matter of no value is not returned to the sender unless
    there is a note on the outside of the packet asking for its return.
      The conditions governing the return of undelivered parcels are given at pages  85
      and 86.
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