Page 67 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 67

                          GENERAL  INFORMATION


          1.  By  the  Public:  Unless  the sender  has  forbidden  re-direction  by a  note
         that effect on the address side of the article, any postal article, (other than a pare
         may be re-directed  from  its original  address to the same addressee at any otl
         address in the island without payment of additional postage under the followi
            (a)  It must be re-posted not later than the day after delivery (Sundays a
               Holidays not being counted).
            (b)  Previous to re-posting it must not have been opened or tampered with
               any way.
            (c)  If an adhesive label is used for the purpose of indicating the new addn
               the name of the original addressee must not be obscured.
          A re-directed article which does not comply with these conditions will be tre
         ed as a freshly posted article and liable to fresh postage.
          An  inland  parcel  re-directed  under  the  conditions  quoted  in  (a),  (b)  and
         above may be forwarded without  charge only  to the same addressee at anot
         address served by the same Post  Office as the original address.  If it is re-direc
         to  an  address  in  another  town  in  Jamaica  fresh  postage  must  be  paid.  Fi
         postage  is always  required on  a Foreign parcel i.e. a parcel which  was  origin
         posted outside the island.
          A  re-directed  overseas  parcel  or  registered  article  must  be  handed  in  a
         Post  Office  counter  and  a  receipt  obtained.  A  re-directed  parcel  or  registc
         article  posted  otherwise will  be  treated  in accordance with regulations cover
         irregularly posted articles.

          2.  By  the  Post  Office:  Notices  of removal  and  applications  for  re-direc
         must  be signed by the persons to whom any postal packets to be re-directed
         addressed and should be sent to the local delivery  office serving the old addres
         handed to the postman. When possible the printed forms which can be obtai
         from any post  office should  be used and  the  Post Office may require this to
         done in any case.

          The Post  Office does not  undertake to  re-direct  postal  packets  which can
         re-directed  at  the  place  of address.  It  does  not,  for  example,  re-direct  po
         packets addressed to a person who has temporarily left his house, unless the ho
         is left uninhabited: or addressed to clubs, hotels,  boarding houses,  or lodgil
         or addressed to any premises occupied by two or more persons where the let
         are  delivered  by  postmen  into  a  common  letter  box  or  to  a  common  ag
           A notice of re-direction holds good for 3 months.

          The  principle  of free re-direction does  not exempt from additional postag
         postal packet which though fully prepaid for the first transmission is re-dir®
         to a country to which the postage is higher than that originally prepaid. TW
         letter or packet  prepaid at the inland rate sent  from one place to another in
         Island and afterwards re-directed to a place abroad should have additional sta
         affixed to it representing the difference between the inland and the foreign rat
         postage, otherwise the difference will be charged on delivery.
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