Page 58 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 58


      General Information:  Special Packing Regulations For Certain Articles,

     Racquets:  Badminton,  squash  and  tennis:  Badminton,  squash  and  tennis
    racquets must firmly be tied to a  wooden board or wooden cross  slightly  larger
    than the racquet and stout  enough to give adequate protection both to the  frame
    and the handle.  The strings must be fully protected on both sides by some rigid
     Sharp instruments:  These may be sent  by post only if the edges or points are
    carefully covered so as to prevent risk of injury to any officer of the Post Office
    or damage to other packets.
     Suit, attache, dressing and similar cases:  These should be protected by wooden
    boards covering the side.
     Umbrellas,  walking-sticks,  fishing  rods:  These  and  similar  articles  should  be
    protected  by  two stout  strips  of wood, each strip  being as long as and slightly
    wider than the article protected.

    It is prohibited to send by post:
      1.  Dangerous  articles  (including  explosives),  inflammable,  noxious,  filthy,
        deleterious  or  otherwise  harmful  substances;  sharp  instruments,  not
        properly protected; Matches.  See list of dangerous articles below.
      2.  Any indecent or obscene print, painting, photograph, lithograph, engraving
        cinematograph film, book, card,  written communication,  or any  indecent
        or obscene article.

      3.  Any article having thereon or on the cover thereof any words,  marks or
        designs  of  an  indecent,  obscene,  seditious,  scurrilous,  threatening  or
        grossly offensive character.
      4.  Any article consisting of or containing opium, morphia, cocaine or  other
        narcotics  except  those  forwarded  for  medical  or  scientific  purposes  to
        countries which permit them to be so sent.
      5.  Any  article  containing  medicine  of  any  kind  unless  the formula  or  the
        content is printed clearly on the container in English  or French.  Medica­
        ments intended  for external  or internal treatment of venereal disease are
        not permitted even if they comply with this condition.

      6.  Living animals except bees,  silkworms and leeches packed in  accordance
        with the regulations.
      2.  Articles  which  from  their nature  or packing  may expose postal  officials
        or any  other person  to  danger or may soil  or damage  other articles  or
        postal equipment in course of conveyance.
      8.  Any  article  containing  or  bearing any  fictitious  postage  stamp  or  any
        counterfeit impression of a stamping machine;  purporting to be  prepaid
        with  any  postage  stamp which  has  been  previously  used  to  prepay any
        other postal article or any other  revenue duty or tax; or having thereon or
         on the cover thereof any words, letters or marks (used without  due author­
        ity) which signify or imply, or may reasonably lead the recipient  thereol
        to  believe that the postal article is sent on Government Service.
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