Page 44 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 44


                  Inland Service: Express Delivery; Business Reply Service
          The normal postage plus express fee of 20c
           The normal postage plus the express fee of 20c must be prepaid.  Any  amount
         insufficiently  prepaid will  be collected from the addressee on  delivery or, should
         he refuse to take delivery, from the sender  to whom  the article would be returned
         in case of non-delivery.
         Distinctive Marking and Posting
           Letters and parcels for Express Delivery  and intended for registration must be
         handed in at a Post Office counter and a receipt obtained.  All other articles may
         be similarly handed in or may be posted in  a letter box.
           In all cases the word  “Express” must  be  boldly and legibly written above the
         address on the left-hand side of the cover.
          The Post Office does not undertake to  ensure the special delivery of an article
         which is not marked in the prescribed manner.
         Limit of Weight
               Letters:        4  lb
               Parcels:        7  lb
               All other articles:   The  normal  limit  according  to  the  appropriate!
                                class  of article provided it does not exceed 7 lb I
                                in weight.
          Delivery of express articles will be restricted to the hours of 8.00 in the morn­
         ing and 7.00 in the evening on week days and  12 noon on Saturdays.

                        BUSINESS  REPLY  SERVICE

          Under this service a person who wishes to obtain a reply from a client without
         putting him to the expense of paying postage, may enclose in his communication
         an unstamped reply card, envelope, folder or gummed label of the special design‘
         shown  below.  He may also incorporate in his advertisements in newspapers and
         other  publications  a  special  design  to  be  used  as  an  address  label  adhering,1
         completely  to  cards  or  envelopes  or  as  a  folder  suitable  for  transmission  by
         post  under Post  Office  Regulations.  The client can  post  the card  and  so  on, in
         the ordinary way, but without a stamp and the addressee will pay the charges on
         all  the  replies  he  receives.  Delivery  will  be  effected  once  daily,  by  the  second
          This service is available only for articles posted and  delivered within the island
         of Jamaica.
          Licence: Before any person uses business reply cards and so on, a licence must
        be obtained from the Postmaster General.
          Deposit: The licensee  will  be required  to  pay  in advance such sum of money
        (not  less  than  two  dollars)  as  the  Postmaster  General  shall  think  sufficient  in
        respect  of the  charges  likely  to  be  incurred  on  postal  articles  transmitted  and
        shall from time to time whilst his licence is in force pay on demand such further
        sum as the Postmaster General may think necessary.
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