Page 17 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 17

IN LAND  POST                   17
                The following  i~ a  list of officials  who  are authorized  to  RECEIVE  correspondence
              through  the inland  post free  of dmrg.,·
              Accounlnnt (1eneml          E.luc·alion anti  Assistant E.lucation Officers
              Bac·lcriologist             ( luvernment Savings !lank Manager.
              Chief Commt:;.,ioner under the C'cmtnl(ious   (Pnstage free ittcluding Ti'gi~traticm fe~.)
                DiSCtlti!'S or Auimul~ (lulundl  l.uw.   Meclic:tl Officers
              Chief Tn•pcctor under the Agri<·ultural   l\fl·dical Officers (llenlth)
                Prodm·c Law               \[eh•>rologist
              Collector ( lcncwl          Hcumr Medical Officers, 1\ingston
              Collector of Cu,toms        l'uhli<·  l and Mental Hospital,
              Colk>ctot  <Jf Taxes and .\,ist:utts   Jubilee· .Maternity I lospitul
                (Pu81ag< fr ·c inrluding nyistrutiou f. e.)  'J'.  1\  ~anatorium
              Commi~sioncr of lnt'(Jttle T ux a11tl   Tuhcn•ulnsis Officer
                St.ump Du Lies            Senint· Veterinar y Ofliccr nnd Vet~rinnry
              Deputy ~:)tamp Commissionct·   Oflic·cr
              DirE'CtOr of Agriculture    \'uluation Commission
              Director of Education
              Director of l\[edie!!l Scrdl'L'S awl .hsis-
                tnnt Dircrtorof ~[edicul &•n ice, (llealllo)
                A st.umhml franking bt<Ullp  C<Jn,isting or the words "Official  Free" with  the Imperial
              Crown in the centre has been authorized for  use by all persons  authorized to send mail
              through the inland post free or clourgc.
                Regiatcrcd  l11lcrs,  )IO~tcd  by  the  geuuul  public  and  11ol  franktd  with.  the  standard
              franking  alamp,  atltlr•881 d  tv  t!oe  ojJicials  mwad  abot·e  must  be  prepaid  with  tloe
              registration fee  nj 2d.  ere· pi in the  case nf rrgt•ltrcd  letters  addressed  to  the  Managtr  of
              the  Govtrnmtnl Sat·ings  /Jaool•  and  to  Collrclors  and  Assistaut  Collectors  of Taus,  tc•hich
              are wholly P<•Stll(Je fret.
              Rules  r egarding  Frankin g  of  Official  Correspondence
                1.  Sending- The cn,elopc  or  covt·t· of the official  letter  or  other  packet must be
              "franl,cd " under authority of I lis ExcPIIency tht• (lo\'crnor by imprc!>,ion of the approved
              official frunk stump.  The Clll'clope or co1er lllUbt  be supen,ct ibed  with  the wonlij "On
              His  Muj<::;tv's  Hen·irc."
                2.  Receiving- The envelope or co•·cr must he addressed to tltl' head of the department
              or to u public officer or func·tionury who is cntitk>tl hy the authority of I lis  E xcellency the
              Governor to rccci\'e official t'tii'TCoiJlOnclent·c frt>e of dmrge for postage, llS named ull()vl'.
                3.  No publil' oflirt·t· will  he per·tuittt'tl  to make use of any !ltuntp  for  franking  letters
              or to fmnk letl£'rs without the authority of the GovPrnor .
                .J. .  Heads  of Departmcoots anct all p~stmastas 1111181 ezercise vigilanre to  prct•ent a11y abuse
              of thefrnnkiny privilc·ge, and moy et·asion or alltmpttn abt•se  the  privolige,  am/ any departure
              from the nl s  must  be  H/Jnrt<d,  tcith  jt.ll  parlirtdara,  to  the  Colomal  Secretary  or  to  the
              Postmaster 0 ~neml.
                5  The franking of envelope.,, etc., is otrictly forbidden, unless tloe envelopes contain
              at the time <lf franking the ollicial com:opondcnce or matter to he transmittcu  through
               the  post,  ~ubj<'c t to  the  following  e.<ception,  numcly-
                Thul!IIW written or· po intcd matter· tn·opt•r·ly issued in a frankl'<l  Clll'clope or covering
              Cor cin•ulation amonl,( mctniJcrs of a board or any body of individual$, and for ultimate
              return to the office of i,suc, may be p:.&;"l from  one member of such board or body to
              another in an envelope or covering prodded for the purpose and duly franked in udvnnce
              by a  duly  unthoriscd  oflic·er.
                Letter&  addrtssed to  Jlluct·s  al.road  canooot  Le franked  but  shodd  be  prtpaid.
              Special  R egulations
                T he  following  nre JWrtniltC'<I to  pass through  the  Post Offirc free  of  postage:-
                1.  Printed notires (" con,ignee's undrlivcml goods''), posted in open official envelopes
              by railway stntion  agents, and bearing the stamp " Jamaica Government Hnilway" or
              " Jamnica flail way  C'<Jmpanv"
                2.  I.ettc·r~ headed  " lnf<'<·tinus  Dise .5<'~ Notificntion,"  ben ring  the signature  of  the
               medic:\1  practitioner and acldre"'ed  to a l\lcdirul Officer or Health or the Centrul Board
              of Health or a  Local  Board of Heal Ut.
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