Page 16 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 16

lti                 POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

                 Packets  which  contain  Moll•Y  or  J<~oellery,  a11  defined  below  and,  also  all
                pnrkets be!lring the words  Registtred, or any other word, pJ,ruse or mark to the like effect,
                for exttmple, any >tbbrcvintion of the won!  Ucgosttretl,  the letter R or a rectangular cross,
                and which nrc posted othenHsc than in  ucco•dnnce with the re~lation~. nrc~uhjcrted to
                compulsory re!!;istrntion, and are charged on dt•livery with a registration fee of 6J. le,;s any
                amount prepaid  in  e'ce:;s of  the  postage.
                 No compensation 1s g1vcn in re~pect of any postal packet which has been compulsorily
                Advice  of  Delivery  of  Registered  Postal Packets
                 The sender of any register(.'<) postal packet mny urrnngc ut the office of posting, c1ther at
                the Lime of l~)stingorsnhocquenlly, for nu ndvirC>ofits delivery to beseut to him.  The fee
                of 2J., which is payuhlc by means of stumps affLxed by the sender to 11  form pro1 ided for
                the purpose, and is due even  if the  registered  pucket  ,,roves to be  (or  to have been)
                undeli veruhle.
                Compensation for Loss
                 The Postmm;tcr General is not legally liahle for any loss or inconvenience which may
                arise from  the loss,  <limuge, delay,  non-delivery  or  mis-delivery  of any thing sent by
                JOst and he does not in any circurnstunceo puy compensation in reopcct of unregistered
                I etters, post curds,  lmnted matter,  pnckcts,  ncwopnp<•rs  or local  parcels.  But subject
                to  the rules stated  >Clow  he pays compcnsnllon  v11luntarily and  as an uct of gruce in
                those cases and in those cases on! v in  11 hi eh there hah been a totnllosa of the cont!'uts of
                correspondence of the folio" ing de_,criptions  not hcing loss due to brcal:ngt• or damage.
                 No compensntion  is given  in  respect of correspondence compulsoJily registered.
                 IL must uppear thut the loss occurred in the post and did not nrise "holly or in part
                by the fuult of the sender us  for  instance from  iml<lequate fastening.
                 The compensation giv!'n  will  not excc<!'l  the vulue of  the artil'lo  lost.  The right is
                resernxl of re-instating the contents of an cnv~IOp>! instead of givin~ pecunia1·y compcn-
                 In the C!\SC of loss of contents the clll·clopc should he retained for  in~;pcction as nearly
                as poosible in the slllte in whirh it \\:IS ,Jdi,·cr<!'l.  If colllplaint he mudc thnt the contents
                of an ell\·elope hn:;  hC~:n abstracted  the envelope  mu.,t be produced.
                 In  the  ca.s~ of  htUik  notes,  money  und  postal  orde1s,  cheques, bonds  ami  similur
                documents  partirul!u,; ~utliricnt for  their  idcutification  must  he  furnished.
                 No cumpcn:;ation for  loos  i~ given in rc,pe<'l of nn en1·elope containing any thing not
                legully tmnsmiblliblc by po~t or an envelope not  posted in the manner prcsclihed; or in
                r&pect or g\ll;l:!, crorkery, gre<lses,  liquids or semi-liquids, colouring, powders, eggs, fish,
                meat,  fruit. or vcgctuhles sent by letter post.
                 No compensation is  given  for  injm·y or dumnge consequential upon- i.e.,  indirectly
                arising from- the loss of anything sent hv  l~!;l.
                 \\' ithout.  prejudice  to llny  of  the  prPccding  rules the  Postmaster GenerAl  will  if  he
                thinks fit refuse to ~ive compensation for lo:IS onllny ground on which a  common currier
                mi~ht in  like C>L~<· rlaim exemption from legal  liubilities.
                 The 6nal decision upon all questions of rompen$Liou re»ts with the T'~tmnster General.
                 In  these  mles  lhe term "Mone>J"  mean~- (a)  coin  ami  (b) paper  money.  The
                term "Coin" means coins of all  kinds whether or  not current in J>Lm.oira  or elsewhere.
                The term" Paptr Mont 1 j''. means 'Rrit.islo Tren.;ury uotcs, notes or Burclay's Bank, Bank
                of  Nova Sent ia,  C'anwlian  Bnnk of  Commem•, Hoyal Bunk of Canada, or of nny hank
                of issue in Great Blitnin and notes  current  in nny  Foreign State or  Bt·itirih  Poasession,
                mone.v  ordNs and  ro~tul  orders,  unohliterated  poetuge and  revenue stamps, exchequer
                bills,  bank post hills,  bills of exchan~e, promissor y notes,  cheques,  crt>~lit  notes which
                entitle  the holder to money or goods  und  all  orders unol  authorities  for  the rnyment
                of money  whether negotiuble or not, bonds ~~upons nnd st'CIII'ities for  money  whether
                ney:otiuhle 01·  not.
                 The term  "Jtwtll~rv'  mPans ancl  includes
                 (a)  Gold or silver in a munufact11retlstatc; that is tosuy, a state in 1\hirh value is arlded
                    to  the rnw muterial  llv skilled  workmansl1ip  und in thil! definition are included
                    a.ny  coins used or Je:;igued  fur  purposes of ornament.
                 (b)  Diamonds  und  pretious  stones.
                 (c)  "atchcs the c~~.>es of 11 hich nrP entirely or mllinly composed of gold or aih·er; and
                 (d)  Any article of  a  like nature which apart from  workmanship ha• an  inJrinm or
                marl:etablt  oalue.
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