Page 20 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 20

     List of  Post Offices  and  Postal  Agenries,  lat.est  time  of posting at the General  Post
   Office,  Kingston for  UNREGIS'l'ERED  letters, and routing of  inland mails:
     The latest time of posting for  REGISTERED  letters for  offices  for  which  the ordinary
   maiJ  close!> at 8.00 a.m.,  is 4  p.m.  and  for  PARCELS  is  3 p.m.  ON  'rHE  PREVIOUS  DAY.
     The 11\test tin1e of posting for REois'rERED  LE'lVERs AND  PARCEl s for offices for  which
   the ordinary mail d oses at 12.30 p.m.,  1.00 p.m., and 3 p.m.  i~ 12.15 p.m- and  2.45  p.m.
    Explanation of Marks of Reference
     T.- Telegraph  Offices.  Ry.  T.- H.ailway Telegrapl1 Offices.  P.A.- Postal Agencies.
    All  Offices  transact parcel post business, but parcels addressed  to  those offices marked
   ! "L ",  which  are served  by foot-comiers, are occasionally subject to delay.
   I,   Offices  printed  in SMALL  C.HI'l'A I.s  are  branches  of  the  Govemment  Sav·ings  Bank.
              Office           Parish     time of       Routing
                                          posting        (via)
   --------·-- -           - -------- 1------11------------ -
   ~berdeen, T.  L .   . .   c.  St. Elizabeth   8.00 a.m.   Siloah
   rfboukir, P.A.  L.  . .   1   St. Ann   8.00a.m.   Cave Valley
   r'l!.novE RocKs,  T.  L.   .•  St.  Cutherine   10.00 a.m.   Stony Hill
   ~DELPIH, T.  L.        . ~  St.  .Tames   12.30 p.m . .   Montego Bay and
   ~enon Town,  T.        .•  Clarendon   8.00 a.m.   Shooters Hill
   I                                    12.30 p.m.   Browns Town and
   li:iry Castle          •.  St. Thoma11   1.00 p.m.
   ~LBA.NY, Ry.  T.       .•  St.  1\lfury   12.30 p.m.
   I'!LBERT TowN,  T.     "  Trelawny   8 .00 a.m.   Balaclava
   ~lclerton, L .         •  Rt.  Ann   12.30 p.m.   Claremont
   ,KJ.EXA.NDRU,  'J'.    . •.  St.  Ann   8 .00 a.m.   Shooters Hill
                                        12  30p.m.   Brown's Town and
   ~LLEY, T.  L.           •  Clarendon   8. 00 a. m .   May Pen
   ~lligator Pond,  T. L .   :G:   8 .00 a.m.   Cross Keys
   ~lhnan Town, '1'.  . .   ~  Kingston   11.15a.m.
                                        4.00 p.m.
   ,t'LsToN,  T.          :t<  Clarendon   8.00a.m.   Shooters Hill
                                        12.30 p.m.   Brown's To\\ n nntl
   "NCHOVY,  T.           . 1!  St. James   8 .00 a.m .
                                        12.30p.m.   Montego Bay unci
   .(NNOT'l'O BAY,  '1'.  (a)   . ~  St. Mary   12.30 p.m .
   tl\.sbley, P.  A. L.   . .   . •  Clarenclon   8.00 a.m .   Mocho
   ~SKENISH, T. L .       j;,  Hanover   s.ooa.m.   I"ucea
      CHTEMBEDDIE,  T.    .il.  Manchester   8.00 a.m.   Balaclava
      iley~> Vale,  P.  A . L.   £!  St.  1vfary   12.:-lO p.m.   Port J\IIaria
   t LA.CLA.VA.,  T.   . .   0   St. Elizabeth   s.ooa.m.
                                        12.30 p.m.   Montego Bay and
    ~lcarres, T.  L.      · - ~  Portland   12.30 p.m.   Buff Bay
    ,BAMBOO,  '1'.  L.    0  ..   St. Ann   12.30p.m.   Brown's Town and
    f, nana Ground, L.  . .   .         8.00a.m .   Williamsfield
      ngor Ridge, L.  . .
                                                    Buff Bay
                                        12.30 p.m .
                           •  Portland
                                                    Old Harbour
                            St. Catherine  8.00a.m.
      rtons, L.
     ATH,  T.
                  . .
    Beckford Kra8.1,  T.  L.   .•. St. Thomas  . .  1.00 p.m.   Chapelton
                                        3 .00p.m.
    ,Berry Hill,  P. A. L.   i   St. Catherine   12.30p.m.   Riversdale
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