Page 22 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 22

POST  OFFICE  GUIDE                  23
             Office           Parish      time of      Routing
                                          posting       (via)

   (CAvEVALLEY,  T.       P  St.  Ann   8 .00 a.rn.   Shooters Hill
                                       12 .30 p.m.   Bro'\\n's Town ancl
                                                    E warton
  (CEDAR VALLEY,  T.  L.   •  St. Thomas   1.00 p.rn.   Trinity Ville
   I Cessnock, L.   . .   . ~  Hanover ·   8 .00 a.m.   C:reen Island
  ~Chalky Hill, J,.       '  St.  Ann   12 .30 p.m.   St.  Ann's Bay
  rcHAPEJ.TON,  7'.       •  Clarendnn   3. 00 p.rn.
  (,Chatharn, P. A., L.   '  St. James   12 .30 p.rn.   A del phi
    Chester Castle,  T.  J,.  f.   •  Hanover   8.00 a.m.   l\fontpelier
    CHRISTIANA,  T.      .•.  l\Ianchester   8 .00 a.rn.   Shooter~ Jl ill
                                       12.30p.m.   Brown's Town and
  ~ CLAREMONT,  L.   . .   '  St. Ann   12  30 p.rn.   Ewarton
  le' CLARKE's TowN,  T.   '  • .~.  Trelawny   12  30 p.rn.   Ewnrton
  VCLONlfEL,  L.  7'.   . .   St. Mary   12  30 p.rn.   Richmond
  (Clover Hill, P.  A., L.   St. Ann   12.30 p.rn.   Moueague
  ...-clydesdale, P.A., L.   •.  St.  Ann   12  30 p.m.   Alexanrlria
  .-t:olegn.te, P. A., L.   St. Ann    12 .30 p.rn.   Walkerswood
  l VCoLEniLI.E, T.  L . .   ~  Manchester   8 .00 a.m.   Chdstiana
  ~~~lonel's Ridge,  T.  L.   ~  Clnrenrlon   3.00 p.rn.   Chapelton
  ~Comfort Castle, T.  L.   •  Portlancl   12 .30 p.m .   Port Antonio
   . C'.omfort Hall, L.   .   ~   8 .00 a.m .   Balaclava
  .I Constant Spring,  T.   St.  Anrirew   10.00u.m.
                                       12 .45  p.rn.
                                       2 .00 p.m.
                                       4.00 p.m.
  /content Gap, P.A., L.   "  St.  Andrew  . .  10. 00 a.m.   Gorclon Town
  ~pFe, P.A ., L.   . .   '  Hanover   . . 8. 00 a.m .   Ramble
  ./Cornwall Mountain, L.   •  W 'moreland  . .  8. 00 a.m .   Ramble
  ./craighead,  T.  L.    "  Manchester   R. 00 a. m.   Coleyville
  AJrawle River,  P.  A.,  L.   Clarendon   3 . 00 p.m.   C'hnpellon
  II'Crofts Hill,  T. L.  . .   .•.  Clarendon   12. 30 p.m.   Ewarton
  II'CnooKED RIVER,  T.   ~ ."  Clarendon   3 .00 p.m .
  ./Cnoss KEYS,  T.   . .   .<.  Manchester   8 . 00 a.m .   Williamsfield
  .ICnoss RoAns,  T.    "  •  St.  Andrew   10.00 a.rn.
                                       12 .45  p.m.
  ,j f)~J...V~L/IrfD                   2.00 p.m.
                                       4.00 p.rn.
  VDallas, L.            ..»  St.  Andrew   2. 00 p.rn.   Liguanen
  VDalvey,  L.   . .     ''·  St. Thomas   1.00 p.m.   Golclen Grove
  ITianvers Pen, P.A ., L.   "  St. Thomas   1  OOp.m .   Sea forth
  ..1:>arley,  P.  A., L.  . .   ..  Purtlancl   12. 30 p.rn.   St.  Margaret's Bay
  .;bARLTSTON,  T.  L .  . .   "  W 'rnoreland  ..  8 .00 a.m .   Montpelier
  VDEERIDE,  T.  L.   . .   •  Trrlawny   12 .30 p.m.   Falrnouth
  vDENHAM TowN,  T.       •  Kingston   11  .15 a.rn.
                                       4 .00 p.rn.
  I Devon,  T.  L.   . .   . "  Manchester   8 .00 a.rn .   Mile Gully
  /J)IAs T.  L.   . .     "  Hanover   8.00 a.rn.   Montpelicr
  /DISCOVERY  BAY  T. L.   •  St. Ann   12.30 p.m.   St. Ann 's Bay
  v.'Dressekie, P.A., L.   .•.  St . Mary   12 .30 p.rn.   Gay le
  ,/DUAN VALE,  T. L . ..   .~  Trelawny   12 .30p.m.   Clnrk's Town
  ;Duff House T.   . .    •  St. Elizabeth . .  8 .00 a.m.   Mandeville
   Dumphries, P.A .,  L.    St. James   12 .30 p.m.   A del phi
  (DUNCANS,  T.          • •  St.  Jarnes   8 .00 a.m.   Montego Bay (rail)
                                       12.30 p.m.   Ewartou
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