Page 18 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 18

18                   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
                 1  Parcels rontaining nrtificiHilimhs sent by Ex-sen ice men of the B. W. I.R., addresscJ
                to  the  military  authorities at  Up-Purk-Camp.     ·
                 4 .  Reading matter  for  the blind  printed in  Braille  or  similar  script,  posted  by  th1
                Territorial  Commander  of  the  Sal,ntion  Army,  on  the  following  ronrlitions:-
                   (a)  The rover of  Pnch  such  parhet t.o  bear  the signature ami  rledgnution  of  th1
                      T erritorial  C'AJnllllander.
                   (b)  To he endortied - "Literlllure for  the Blind".
                   (c)  F.ach p;tcketof such literature to be returned to Wngston to bear a label addressed
                      "The T crritorittl  Commander,  Salvation  Army,  Kingston," duly signed  and
                      emlorsed  as above.
                PROHIBITIONS  (Inland)
                  There shall  not be posted or  conveyed  or delivered  by the inland  post,  uny  postal
                  ( !)  consisting of or  containing any indecent  or obscene print, painting,  photograph,
                    lithograph, engraving, rinemutogruph film, hook, card, or 1uit ten communication,
                    or  nnv  imle('ent  or ohs,·ene article,  whether sim ilar to  ti•c ubo1•e  or noted;
                  (2)  hu1•ing thereon or on  the cover  thereof any words,  marks, or designs,  which are
                    gros:;ly offcntiil'e or  of an  indecent or  obscene character;
                  (3)  con~bting of or rontaining:-
                       (u)  any explosive substance;
                       {b)  any uangerous :mbstance;
                       (e)  uny filth;
                       (.I)  any noxious or deleterious substance;
                       (cl  any sharp instrument not  properly protected;
                       (f)  HnY  living  animals except bees, silk worms, nnrllecches packed in accor-
                          dance with the~P Hegulations;
                       (g)  any article or thing 11hatsocvcr "hich is likely to inj'ur·e any other postal
                          article in courbe of conveyance or any mail bag in "  1ich the sume is con-
                          veyed, or an olficer of the Post Office or  any other person who may den!
                          with  such  nrticle.
                  ( I)  containing or bearin~ any fictitious  postage stamp, or a ny counterfeit impression
                    of n stamping machine w,ed  under  the  direction or  by the permission of  the
                    Post mast er  General;
                  (5)  purporting  to he prepaid  with  any stamp or impression of a  stamping: machine
                    which  ha~ been previously usc.'<i  to prepay any other  postal article or any other
                    revenue duty or tax;
                  (6)  con!.:liuiug o; ron,istin~ of any of th~ foil<:llvi ng articles:-  .   .  .  .
                       (a)  pen.hable  ttrlldt•s  ot·  ltnythrng  hable  to  becom!'  ofTensll'e or  rnJUrrous
                          through  tiPcay  during  the  time  ordinarily  occupietl  in  tnmsmission
                          unle:>S enclOtiL.J  in  a  hcnnetically sealed  tin;
                       (h)  li'luid; unless packed  as provided in these Regnhtions;
                  (7)  The rover whe1·e"f is entirely trnnsparent  or has thereon any open  panel:  Pro-
                     vided that there may be a transparent panel in the cover fm· thn purpo;n of showing
                     the address of  the ud<lrcs:;eP  if-
                       (u}  thP tnln8parenl ptmel is pnrnllP.l to the lon~est side, so that the address of
                          tbc addrcssN appears in  the sume directron, and is  \>laced  so as not to
                          interfere with  the application of the date stamp; an<
                        (h)  only  the name and  uddrc~s of the addressee shows  through  the  panel
                          and lhl' contents m·r secu1·cd or folded so that lhe addres:; is not obscured
                          wholly  or  p!lrtly,  through  slipping;  and   '
                        (c)  the address is legibly indicated in ink or typescript, the use of copying-ink
                          pencil or  lead  pcn•·il being  prohibited;
                  (8)  the  cover  whereof  or  the  part thereof reserved  for the address is  di videti  into
                    separate sections  for  the  insertion  of  successive  addresses;
                  (!l)  htwing thereon or on the cover thereof any words, lcttPrs, 01· marks (used without
                     due authority) which signify or imply, or may rea,onahly lead the recipient thereof
                     to believe,  that the po•t>tl  nnicle is sent on 11is  'Majesty's Sen·ice;
                 ~ tO)  having anything written, printt;<l, or oplCrwise !m pressed npon or nt!:~chcrl to any
                     part of that srde or· a posh~ I article wltrc~l contmns  the nddres:; at wlucl~ the urtit·le
                     is to be dehvered wluch, e1ther by lendmg to prevent the easy and q111ck  rrading
                     of the address of the ar ticle or by inconvenient proximity to the stamp or  stamps
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