Page 24 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 24

POS'r  OFFICE  GUIDE                   25
           Office            Parish       time of      Routing
                                          posting        (via)
  ../HAMPDEN,  T.  L.       Trelawny   12 .30 p.m.   Fa! mouth
  V  HAMPSTEAD,  T. L.    ~  St. Mary   12.30 p.m.   Richmond
  vHarewood, L.   . .    ·'·  St. Cathcrine   12 .30 p.m.   Riversdale
  v"HARKER's HALL,  T.  L.   ~   St. Catherine   12 .30 p.m.   Bog Walk
  V Harmons, L.   . .  . . ~  Manchester   8.00 a.m .   Porus
  V  Harry Watch,  L.    ...  Manchester   8 .00 a.m.   Mile Gully
    Hartlands, Ru.  T.      St.  Catherine   8.00a.m.
                                       3.00 p.m.
  ~atfield                •  Manchester   8.00 a.m .   Mandevllle
    Hayes,  T.            "  Clarendon   8.00 a.m.   May Pen
  \/HEcToR's RIVER,  T.   . ~  Portland   1.00 p.m .
  j HIGHGATE,  T.         .<l.  St. Mary   12 .30 p.m.   Richmond
    HoPE  BAY,  T.        . o.  Portland   12 .30 p.m .
  v'Hopeton,  L.          - ~  St. James   8.00 a.m.   Cambridge
  V HOPEWELL,  T.         ·'·   Hanover   8.00 a.m.   Anchovy
  v Inverness             .c:  St.  Ann   8 .00 a.m.   Shooters Hill
                                       12.30 p.m.   Brown's Town and
  J'Jpswich,  Ry.  T.    ••  St. Elizabeth   8 .00 a.m.
                                       12.80 p.m.   Montego Bay and
  ~Irish To~n, P. A., L.   .~.  St. Andrew   10.00 a.m.   Gordon Town
    IsLINGTON,  T.  L.    •  St.  1\-!ary   12 .30 p.m.   Albany
  VJacks River, P.A., L.   •  St. Mary   12.30 p.m.   Oracabessa
  ~lAcKsoN TowN,  T.      "'   Trelawny   12.30 p.m.   Ewarton
  ::,/,lAMES HILL,  T.  L . . .   :".  Clarendon   8. 00 p.m.   Frankfield
  Voreffery Town, P. A., L.  . ..  St.  Mary   12 .30 p.m.   Guy's Hill
  V.Jerich.o, T.  L.   . .   .~.  lllinover   8.00 a.m.   Lucea
  ~OHN's HALL, T. L.      . '~  St . .Tames   8.00 a.m.   Cambridge
    .Jolmson Mountain, P.A ., L.  . ~  St. Thomas   1.00 p.m .   Bath
  v  Jom:s TowN,  T.      . "!  St. Andrew   11.15 a.m .
                                       2 .00 p.m.
                                       4.00 p.m.
  ~JUNCTION,  T.  L.      ~  St. Elizabeth   8 .00 a.m.   Southfield
    Kalorama , P.A. L ..   Ill  St.  Andrew   1.00 p.m.   Bull Bay
  \/ICeith, L.    . .       St. Ann     12.80 p.m.   Brown's Town
  .J'Kensington, P.  A. L.   ~  ,2:,  Portland   1 .00 p. rn.   JV[anc:hioneal
  ·.I'KELLITS, T. L.   . .   a  Clareiidon   12 .30 p.m.   Ewarton
  ~Cingsval~,  P. A., L.   "   Hanover   8.00 a.m.   Riverside
    Knockpatrick, T.      . o  Manchester   8 .00 a.m .   Mandeville
  V  Labyrinth, L.        "   St.  Mary   12.30 p.m.   Gay le
  V LACOYIA,  T.   . .    .Ill  St. Elizabeth   8.00 a.m.   Maggotty
  VLJ.MB's RivER,  T. L.   •  W'moreland  .  8.00 a.m.   Catadupa
  vLances Bay, P.  A., L.   . ~  Hanover   8.00 a.m.   Lucea
  V'Lascelles,  T.        . ~  Kingston   11 .15 a.m.
  J  LANC.ih'Tet<                       2 .00 p.m.
                                        4.00 p.m.
  V"Laughlande, T.   . .   .            12.30 p.m.   St. Ann's Bay
                          0  St. Ann
  \/LAWRENCE TAVERN,  T. L.   St. Andrew   10.00 a.m .   Stony Hill
    Leamington, L.          W'moreland  ..  8.00 a.m.   Newmarket
  ../Leeds, P. A., L.     ....  St. Elizabeth   8 .00 a.m .   Santa Cruz
  :;./LIGUJ.NEJ.,  T.     . ~.  St. Andrew  . .  10.00 a.m.
                                        12.45 p.m.
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