Page 93 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 93

APPEc'lDJX.                       89

                              APPENDIX B.
       Schedule  showing  list  of  the  countries  which  have expressed  a  willingness  to
     accep t d uli3.ble articles sent at the lelte1· rate of postage:
     Afghanistan.                    llcjn/,, Ncjd 1.\nd dependencies.
     Albania.                        Honduras (Republic of).
     Algeria.                       l llunj.(:try.
     Argcntino..                     Icl'land.
     Ascen:-ion.                     Jndh, British.
     Awstrali:l.                     I r .• q  (~Ic.<opot:uoia).
     Austria.                        Ivory Con~t.
     "\zor<·~ (registered).          1~cnyn nnd uganda.
     Bnharna~>.                     I Lnbuan.
     Bnrh:vlo<J.                     Lat\'it\.
     Bcchu•HHdnnc.l Protectorate.    Lecw11rd  lslt\nds.
     llcl~ri1tn Congo.               Lilhu:mit~.
     Bl'lgium.                       Luxcrahurg (Gmnd Duchy).
     Bcrmud:t.                       :\!ann ( rcgi;;tered).
     Briti -h  C:uneroons.           ~la-- .q:"t'ar and dependencies
     British Guiana.                 :\bdtir:\ blands (re.;istcred).
     Brunei.                         ~laby !'tat~s (XonieJer:ltc.J).
     Bulgaria.                       i\Inlt.1.
     Cnnndn.                        11\.lartiniquc.
     Cape Verue fslands  (rcgi;;tererl).   l\fauritnnia.
     Coylon.                         l\.huriliu, and dependencies.
     Chile.                          1\lexico.
     Cuba.                          l l\.lorocco, British.
     Cyprus.                         l\.Iorocco, French.
     Czt•cho~lovakia.                :\lorocco, Spanish Zone.
     Dahomey.                        Xnuru  !~land .
     Dnnzig.                         Xethcrlands. The.
     Denmark.                       1\cw Cnledonia.
     Dutch (Nethcriands) East Indies.   Ke11 foun<.llnnd  (including L::~brador).
     Dutch Guiana.                   Kcw Guinea, 1Iandated Territory.
     Dutch (Netherlands) West  lndics.   K ew  Hebrides.
     Ecuador (registered).           K cw  Zealo.nd.
     Egypt (not including Anglo-Egyptian   Nicn.rugu11.
        Sudan).                    I  Ni~er.
     Estonin.                       Nigeria.
     Ethiopia (Abyssinia).          I North Borneo (State of).
     Falkland Islands.              Nyt . .oulanJ Protectorate.
     Federated :\Inlay States.      Palestine.
     Fiji Islands                   Papu:• (13ritil;h  Xew Guinea).
     Finland.                       Per.;itl. (See note.)
    France.                         Peru (registered).
     French Cameroons.              Poland.
    French Equatorial Africa.       Portugal.
    French Guiana.                  Portu:~;uese Colonies (registered).
     French Guinea.                 Reunion  (Bourbon) Island.
    French Indo-China.              Rhode.~ia, Northern.
    French Settlements in India.    RhoJr•i:\  Southern.
    French Settlements in Oceania.   Rumanin.
    French Somaliland.             I
                                    Saar Territory.
    French Sudan.                   St.  Helena.
    French Togoland.                St. P ierre and  Miquelon.
    Gambia.                         Salvador (El).
    Germany.                        Sarawak.
    Gibraltar.                      Senegal.
    Gilbert and Ellice Islands.     Seychelles.
    Gr~nhnd.                        Siam.
    Guadeloupc.                     Sierra Leone.
    Guatemala (registered}.         Solomon Islands.
    Haiti.                          South-West Africa.
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