Page 90 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 90

APPENDIX A.                                           00
                               PtUNCI PA 1, S rEAMSHtP  coNN.EXIONS  BETWEEN  JAMAICA  AND  Cot:NTRlES  .\BnOAD .
                                                                         \                      P~riodidt\'
            __ :e~:~.-h __ i'_' -L-in_e_•_· _  ___ P.::_o_r_c_"_ll_. ___ , _____ ::~o:·~_,ed_. _____ __:_m~ in 'Iransit.
                                                                                           I  _ __ "_r_s_c_r_'· .. ie_.P_·.
              Canadi~n National  Btliz(!       Letter  and  pnrccl  mails  for  British  3 days   Fortnizhth·
               Steamship                        Honduras,  Rep.  of  Hondure~,  El           (Tuescb;;)
                                                Sah•ador nnd  Guatem•la.                   I
            --·----- -------- - ------·:--------------                              _____ _-------- ·
             2     Do.      Nns9au, 1-hm.ilton, Montreal   LPtter  nnd  p'lrcel  mnils  to  Na~sat>. \ 3 days to l\as,•u   rortni~h!ly
                                                l~ermuds, und  pnrN>i  rnqil  to Canad:>  7 dnys to Hamilton   (Wednesday or
                                                                          14 days to :.\1ontrenl   'l'tmrsd:~y)
            -3----D~---- -:~:n-x---------:1--P-a-r_c_el- m-a-il--fo_r_C__na_d_a __ -----  -:-1-l_d_r._y_s _ _ _______ , Wcexlr (Tuesday)
             4  Col"mbtan Line  . .  Port.-nu-PrincP,  1\r>w York   LPtter  mail>  for  Haiti  (via  Port-a1l-  1-l hr;;.  to  Pert-an-Prince
                                                Prioce);  Unit~d Sl!!t<'>  of  ,\n:Prit•:>,  ·!  d:,,·s  1.1  hrs.  to  1\ew  Weekly (Wcdnesd;ty)
                                                Grrat  Dribin,  Europe,  W~st  Asia,   Yor'k
                                                Africa,  CnMd:t.  !llexico,  Venezuela,
                                                East Coast of Nicaragua,  Australasia, I
                                                Brazil, Argentina, Urnguay, Paraguay,
                                                China, Japan,  ctc,  (vin  New  York)
                                               Parcel Mail for Un.ited States of America
                                                                          1 dnv t<' Pto. (',olorobi"   \\e..-kly ('Ine<dayl
                                                                         12 d:1ys to Cartngen~'
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95