Page 87 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 87

Ain  MAIL .                   83
                           T,>rtrst. t.irn~" of
                            po-;fin•! un-
                          registered cor-
               Cn•1ntry of   rr8poncl~ncc in the
                          Ai,· \[ il  Lctt~r
               l)t\iLi n·1 tion.   Box outside
                           the fiend  Post   .\ppr~>\imHll' timn ~ f deli\'('ry rrrk.,nrd from
                           Officr. London,  l·•tr~t  rim~ of  po•till<:~ r•t  the Head
                             E.C.I.          Post Office, London, E.C.l.
                               2                    3

                              7.0 n.m.   Danzig first. delivery ne~t morning.
                             8.0 p.m.   Danzig next dtty about noon.
                              fi .30 a.m.   Cnpenhagen same evening.
                             1-l.O a.m.   Copcnha~~:en first delivery nc~t morning.
             ]~STONIA        8 0 a . m.   Ta!linn second morning.
             FrNt.AND        7.0 a.rn.   Hclsingfors next evening.
             F rt\NCE         7.30 a. m.   Paris same liftcrnoon.
                             7.0n.rn.   Lyons anti Cnnnes  same  evening,  Marseilles
                                         same  evening,  if  express  lee  pnid.
                             11.0 n.m.   Paris  ~a me evening.
             GF.IlMANY       o.30 a.m.   Hamburg same evening.
                             7 .0 n.m.   Cologne .same evening.
                             8.0 p.m.   Cologne,  Hanover  and  Munich  first  delivery
                                         next  morning:  Berlin  and  Hamburg  nex"t
             GrnnAUrAR        ll.Oam.   Gibraltar s£concl  evening.
             Gm;,;ce          8.0 p.m.   Athens third d!ly.
             HoLt.AND        8  0 a.m.   Rotterdam and Amsterdam same afternoon.
                              11.30 a.m.   Rotterdam and Amsterdam same evening.
             HuNc.AnY         S.Oa.m.   Budapest next aft.ernoon.
                              8.0 p.m.   Budapest first delivery second morning.
             ITALY            8.0 a.m.   Milan,  Genoa nnd  Venice next morning,  Rome
                                         next afternoon
                             8.0 p.m.   Venice next  afternoon.  Rome  next  evening  if
                                         express fee  paid.
             L~~TVIA          8. 0 p.m.   Riga  next  afternoon  if express  fee  paid.
             LITHUANIA        8. 0 p.m.   Kaunas next afternoon.
             1\I.\LTA         8 0 p.m. (Tues. l\Inlta second evening.
                               & Thurs.)
                             8. 0 p.m. (Sat.) l\falt.a  third evening.
             NORWAY          7 . 0 >:Un.   Oslo next morning.
                             8 .0 p.m.   Oslo first delivery second morning.
                              1'1.0 a.m.   Warsaw next da~'·
                             8.0 p.m.   Warsaw next evening.
             ll.OU>IANIA     8. 0 a. m.   Bucarest second morning.
                             8.0 p.m.   Bucarest second evening if express fee paid.
             Russr,\ IN EunoPE   8.0 p.m.   Moscow second  morning.
             Sr'AIN           11.0 a.m.   Barcelona next morning.
             SWEDEN           8.0 a.m.   M>tlmo next  morning.
             SwlTZERLAND      7.0 a.m.   Bale and Geneva  same  evening  if  express  fee
             TURK"EY          8 .0 p.m.   Instanbul third day.
             YuGOSLAVIA       8.0 a.m.   Belgrade second morning, first delivery.
                             8.0 p.rn.   Belgrade second morning.
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