Page 88 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 88

                              (B).  C:Ou:-ITRIES  OU'I'SIDE  EUROI'K
                               Latest times of
                                 posting un-
                                registered cor-
                   Country of   rcsponc.lencc in  the
                               Air Mat!  Letter
                  Destinntion.   Box ontsule
                               the Head Post   Approximule time of transmission from
                               Office, London,   London, acceleration afforded and
                                  1~.0.1.          gcneml observations.
                                    2                      3

               ALOI-:RIA      11  0 e.. m. weekdays   1~ days to .\lc,iers; 1 to 2! c!nys gain.
               B \llllEIN     10 .'15 n.m. ~ttts.   4 dnys; 5 to !l da~·s' gain.
                  North Bttst (via 1        !i days to :\ba.: 21  days' gain.  Corrcspon-
               BELGIAN  Coxoo
                   Sudan)                     clcncc  should  be  superscribed  "Via
                              10.45 a.m. Wed.   Sudan."
                1\:atanga Province  I       7  duy~  to  E!itabctlmlle:  15  dny~'  gain.
                  \'in H hodcsiu   )          Correspondence  should  be  superscribed
                                               ·'Vin Rhodesia."
                In ternn! Service   AB for ordinary   21  to  24  dttys:  sel'crnl  days'  gAin  for
                               mails  to Belgian   interior.  Correspondence   should   be
                               Congo          superscribed "Iutcrnal."
              BnUNEr          10.45 a. m. ~at.   1!) days to Brunei: up to 9 days' gain.
              CANARY  Isr.A.'IDS   8.0 p.m. Sut.   3 to 4 days to Lns Palmus: 2 to 5 days' gnin.
                (Ry nir  to 1\fndrru;)  l   0  d~ys  to  C:olomho:  7  to  8  day!\'  gain.
                              f 10  45 am ..  Snt.   Correspondence ~hould be  superscribed
                (By  air to Karachi)  J       "By air  to India."
                                              11 days to Colombo: !.i to ()  dnys' gain.
               D uTCn EAS'r hmrEs  11.30 a.m. Wed.   !l dnys to Bata\'in: 13 to 18 clays' gnin.
              EGYPT           10.4/ia.m. Wed.   2~ dnys to Alexandria and Cairo: 2 to 3
                                              dnys' gain.
                              10.45 a .m. Sat.   2}  d1tys  to  Alexandria  and  Cairo:  2  to  3
                                              days, gain.
              F RENCH  OurNEA  ..  8. 0 p.1~. Fri.   2 to 3 days to Dakar: normally Se\·eral
                               Supplementary   days' gain.
                               mnil7.30 n.m. Sat.
               FRENCH  INt>O·C!CI!'(.~  7 .0 a.m. Wed   9 days to Saigon: 18  to 21 days' gain.
               GAMIIIA       8.0 p.m. Fri.   2 to 3 dA.ys  to Bathurst: 5  to 14 days' gain.
               INn lA         10.45a.m. Sat.   G days to Bombay: 8 days' gain.
                (By air to Karnchi           6 days to Calcutta: 10 dzys' gain.
                and in I ndia).             G days to Delhi: !) days' gain.
                                            7 days to Madras: 9 days' gain.
                                            7 days to Rangoon: 12 days' gain.
                                            Correspondence  should  be  superscribed
                                              "By air in India."
                (By air to Knrachi)  10.45 a.m. Sat.   5 clays  to Karachi: 11 days' gnin.
                                              7 days to Bombay: 7 days' gnin.
                                            8 days to Calcutta: 8  days' gain.
                                            7 days to Delhi: 8 days' gain.
                                            8 days to :Madras: 8 days' gain.
               I RAQ         10.45 a.m. Sat.   3 days to Baghdad, 4 days to Basra: 3 to
                                               4 days' gain.
              K er-.'YA  ANJ>  UGANDA  10.45 n.m.  Wed.   5  days  to  Nairobi  and  Entebbe,  6  days
                                              to ::'11ombttsa:  10-21  days'  gain.
               LIBYA         8.0 p.m. weekdays   3 days to Tripoli: 3 to 6 days' gain.
               M.WAGASCAR   . .  10.45 a.m. Wed.  . .  10 days: about 3 weeks' gain.
              1\!L~LA.Y STA1"ES   . . See S•raAITs  SETTLEME~:>'r
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93