Page 94 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 94

90                        APP8NDIX.

                          APPENDIX  B.-conLd.
    Sp~iu (but not Hio de Oro).     Turks and Cmcos  i~lands.
    Rtrait:; S<.>ttlemcnts.         l:nited Rt:;:es of America.
    Sweden.                         Union of i'outb Africa.
    s,,-itrcrlnnd (inf'lu,!ing Liechtenstein).   Vatir:m Citv Rtat.e.
    •ranganyik:t Territory.         Windward  islands
    Tmns-Jordan.                    Yemen.
    Trinidad and Tobago.            YugoaLt\'ia.
    Tunis.                          Zanzibar and Pcmba.
     Dutiable  arlicles should  not be accepted  for dispatch  in letters or letter  packagea
    for the following countries, which have expressed  an  unwillingness  to accept  such
    Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.          1  J rish Free Stntc.
    Azores.                         Italian Colonies of Somaliland, Cyrenaica,
    Bolivia.                         Eritrea, Transjubaland, and Tripolitania.
    Br:vil.                         Ttaly.
    British Tionflruras.            .Japan and dependencies.
    British Sornnliland.            ~1acao (ordinary).
    British Togoland.              I ~farleira Islands (ordinary).
    Cape Yerdc Islands (ordinary).   Norway.
    China.                          Paraguay.
    Colombia.                      I Peru.
    Dominican  Republic.            Port.ugucse Colonies (ordinary).
    Ecuador (ordin~try).            Rio de Oro.
    Fernando Po and Spanish Guinea.   San Marino.
    Gold  Coast Co!ony.            I  Syria, Republic of Lebanon and Govern-
    Great Britain and Northern heland.   ment of Latakia.
    Greece.                         Union of Socialistic Soviet Republics.
    Guatemala (ordinary).           Uruguay.
    Hong Kong.                      Venezuela.
     Dutia~le articles in  letters or letter  packages  will be  accepted  at the  risk of  the
    senders when addressed to those countries not mentioned in paragraphs above.
                             APPENDIX C.
     Schedule  showing  list of countries which  have expressed  a  willingness to  accept
    dutiable articles sent as "small packets."
    Algeria.                        Estonia.
    Argentina.                      Ethiopia (Abyssinia).
    i\scension.                     Falkland Islands.
    Au•tralin.                      Fiji Islands.
    Austria.                        France.
    B:1hamas.                       French Camcroons.
    Barbado~.                       French Equatorial Afriea.
    Belgium.                        French Inclo-China.
    Bermuda.                        French Somaliland.
    Brazil.                         French Togaland.
    British Cameroons.              Gambia.
    British Guiana.                 Germany.
    British Honduras.               Cibrall!ir.
    British Soma!iland.             Great B1-itain and Norther11. Ireland,
    Ceylon.                         Greece.
    Cyprus.                         Guadeloupe.
    C?.cchoslovakia.                Guatemala.
    Danzig.                         Hejaz, Nejd, and dependencies.
    Denmark.                        Honduras (Rep. of).
    Dominican Republic.             Hong Kong.
    Dutch (Netherlands) East Indies.   Hungary.
    Dutch Guiana.                   Japan and dependencies.
    Dutch (Netherlands) West Indies.   Leeward Islands.
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