Page 96 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 96

I  1'\  I) I•;  X .

             Ad,•ice of delivery of [nsurcd Article.<  40  Insurance of Over~ea~ Letters   3!)
             Advice or dclh·cr,)' or Rc!istercd .\rtirlc.~   Insurance or 0\'Cr~CM Parcels   44
                lnlund                    11
                Over.eas                 :l!l  .Jewellery, Definition of   11
             Air ~Iail;;               12·85    "    Trnnsrni,:<ion or  11, 3  I  44,  49
             .\rri,·al and dc.iprtch of .\tails:   ,Judicial Stamp~      h5
                Inland (Table of)       l!i-27
                0\'Cr>CII<          31, :12  o6  Letters:
             Articles li:1hlc to Cuoloms Duty..   3:~, ·12   Dutiable .\rtic·leH  in   3~, 34
                                                ln$urancc, Ovcr~cns
                                            I                            39
             nee~. Trnnsmi,sk·n of     :lll, •10   Limits of wei~ht and size, Inland   5
                                                                  Ovcr~ens r.o
                                     10. 11. ;)0
             Book Post.  See •mt/cr Printed Paper3.  I   Prohibited  \rticle~   33, 3S
             "Blind Liternturo"
                                                Rates of J>c»t:t"c,  Inland   .)
             Cable Hates   .             G!)          Do.    0\·cr.eas   ";I)
             Ca.."h on Delivery (C.O.D.) Sen·icc   ·I•>   Redirectiun    f..()
             Christmas Cards," ritinl( on   8. :l.i I   Re,istrntion, Inland   10
             Clas:;ificat ic1n  of ?.Jail:         Do.   <her:-Cil!l     3'>
                Inland                   ;;.()   Return tosondor, when prohibited  C6
                Ovcrscn s              31-:18   Urrdclivercd  Col'rc,poru.lence   · ~I
             Coin, etc .. 'l'rnnsmi>sion of   11,  44,  40  Letter Bn"S nnd  Jloxc~   Gi
             Cnmrnerdal P:tper"              Liquids, Trnn$rni"i(ln of   37
                o,·enc.'l~             :1 i, •iO
                                            :\[ ll!rnzines                6
             Compe:1~ation:                 'fedicine for cure of 0<-n~umption   4!)
                In~ured Lt:lters         40  l\[ilitary Force~, Letter~ uddre:s.~cd to   50
                Re•i•tcred .\rti   Inland   10  Money               11,  44,  4()
                      Do.     Overseas   3S  !\loner Orders:
                l-ninsurcd  Parcel!'     46     List of Countries        1 3
             Compulsory He  i>trntion   . .   10   Tele.:,raph  ~loney Orders   Ga
             Correspondence, Overseas, classes of   32
                  J)o.   Inland, classes of   5  ~aval Forces, Letters adure~sed to   50
             Customs Char •os               l\ewspapers,  fuland          ti
                bco'l'ill'  Parcels      ·12  Xewspapers, "He  istered"   6
                Pa vnble b\' sender      4.3  Xewspaper wrapper,         65
                Pa;·nble ol1  repairs    4a  Xotes. Bank, Trnn~mission of   3.;
             Customs Clearance 1 ce      3!)
                                            Offices,  List of Post     lf--27
             Dangerous Articles        10, aR  Official Correspondence   11
             Dutiable Articles by Letter  ~\fail   :~2, :r  Official Correspondence, H.egistration of  14
             Duty ou Repairs             43  Oils, Transmi$Sion of       37
                                            0\·ersea .\Iaill:l        31, 811
             EnYelope~, He dstcrcd Letter   6.3
                                            Parcel Post, O,·er>ea:
             ~ re.'l"'.  :;ul)o;t:\nces. Trnnsmission or   36   C.O.D. "cn·ire   45
              Green Label" Ry~tem      33,38    Dnty on Repnirs          43
                                                Exchan~c with Cannda     <!-
             Holiday arrurv~cments       f 8        Do.    Central America   .JO
             Hours of busine~~ nl Post Offices   5   Do.   U.K.          45
             Hnurs of bu ~i ne.•s 1\L Telegraph Offices   I 8   Do.   l'.S.A., etc.   46
             House Delivery              65         Do.    W, I. Islands   47
                                                General He•!lllations    41
             Import Duty                 42    Import Duties             42
             [mnl'f',l,•Cd :)·a mrs      6      Insurance                43
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101