Page 97 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 97

1  N  l>  I>  X.                 93
                                       Page.                          P:1ge.
             .Parcel Post, Ovorsca, co•11d.   1 Hutc.i of Postngc on all
                Postage Rates, table of   52-G2   cltlsscs of ;\lnil:
                Prcferentinl Tariff      42    luland                    5
                Prepayment of Duty       45    Ovcrsea                   50
                Prohibited Articles    47-40  n.edircction               6i
                Refund of duty           43  Refund of duty              43
                Undelivered Parcels      4i  lle!(istercd Letter Envelopes   65
             Purcels, Inlnnu              9  Regbtrntioo:
             Pa&enger fares            28-31   Inland                    11
             Plants, importation of      49    Oversea                   38
             Porterage on Telegrams      G8  Hcply coupons               6.>
             Post Offices, Hours of business at   5  Reply Post Card:
             Post Offices, List of     16-27    Iuland                   5
             Postage Oil omcial registered letters   12   01·ersea'      50
             Postage Rates on all classes of mail:   Samples (O,·el'l.eas)   3u, 50
                Inland                    5  Stamp Vendors               65
                Overse9.S                50  ~inj!.le 1·olumcs of Dooks   50
             Postage Stamps              65  Size, Limi1.s of Sec 1mder Letters,
               "   Transmission of    11,  3\l   l'ostcards, etc.:
             Postal Orders               64  Stamps, Postage             65
             Post Cards:                      Do.  Transmission of     9.38
                Inland                    .)  "Small Packets "
                Overseaa              34,  .'}0   I. oral                9
             Poste Restante              67     Overseas              33, 50
             Preferential Duty           42  Stationery· Transmission of   9
             Prepayment of Duty          45  Street Letter Boxes         67
             Prep ,y,oent of postage in money   9  Telegrams             68
             Printed Papers:                Tele.~raph Money Orders      63
                Inland                    G  Tuberculozyne               49
                Overseas               34,50  Typewritten Circulars   ,35 f.n.
             .Private bags and boxes     G7
             Prohibited Articles:            Undelivered Correspondence   67
                Letter Mail            33, 38  Undelivered Parcels IO•terse.s) ..   47
                Parcel Mail Export     47-19
                   Do.   Import          49  Wrappers,ll:ewspapt>r       65
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101