Page 98 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 98

                Per 01.                                                ld.
                                         Po~t Cards.
                Single                                                 td.
                Reply p:tid                                            Id.
                        Ncl.'.~papcrs (Local i.\nd British)  and Local  Mi.\gt~l.i ne:..
                Per Copy                                               ~d.
                                Printed and Commercii.\! Papers.
                Per 2 or..                                             !d.
                                 " 5mall  Pi.\cl<et~··  (up to  8  oz.)
                Per 2 oz.                                              l<l
                                Pi.\rcel.s  (Pa•·ccl  Po~t over 8  oz.) •
                PP.T  lb.                                              4cl.
                         Nir1cponce for first  12  words and  ~cl.  for each additional word.

                        To United  Kingdom and  British  Possessions generally
                Not cxcePd in ~t  1 oz.                               He!.
                For every additional oz.                              l tl.
                                     T o all other Places.
                Not exceeding I  oz.                                  2~d.
                For every additional oz.                              l ~d .
                                        Post Cards.
                Single                                                ld.
                Reply paid                                            2d.
                         Printed Papers, Commercial Papers and 5amples.
                ~2=                ..             ..
                       llfi?limumfor Commercial Papers-Ztd., and for SampltS-ld.
                                      "5mall Packets."
                Per 2 oz.                                             Id.
                   Minimum- 5d.
                                        Parcel  Post.
               To United Kin!(dom- 3 lb.-1{7.  7lb.-2/1 0.  11 lb.-4/-.  221b.-6/6.
                To U.S.A. and Cnnnda-6d. per lb.
                                     POSTAL 01Hli:R5.
                   Amount of Order.                               Poundag1-.
               At Gd.,  ls ..  ls. Gd., 2s .. 2s. fid.               ld.
               At 3s .. 3s. ()d .. 4s., 4s. 6d..  5s.                l~d.
               At  7.<. Gd.                                          2d.
               At  8•.  !Os.                                         2\d
               At 20s.                                               4~rl
                                 MON~Y ORDER5--8ec page  (:3
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101