Page 95 - Jamaica PO Guide 1934
P. 95

1\  PP E :\DIX.                  !)I
                             APPE~DIX C.-conic/.
      Luxernburg (Grand Duchy).       Sna.r T erritory.
      Malta.                          St. llclcna.
      i\lartiniquc.                   St. Pierre and Miquelon.
      Mnllrif,ius o.nd dependencies.   Sarawak.
      1\•lexico.                      ~ychcllcs.
      Morocco (British).              , iam.
      1\lorocco (French) .            Sierra Leone.
      Netherlands, The.               Holornon lslo.nds.
      New Caledonia and depcndcncie~.   Sweden.
      )/cwfoundland  (includina;  Labrndor).   ::;witzt>rlnnd.
      Kcw Guinea, .\'landatcd Territory.   Syria, Rc)>ublic of Lebanon  and (';overn-
      New Hebrides.                     nwnt of  Latakia.
      :\'igeria.                      Trans-Jordnn.
      ~Oi th Borneo (Stnte of).      1  Trinidad and Tobago.
      :1\yasalnnd Protectorate.       Tunis.
      Palestine.                      Turks and Cnicos J~land~.
      Papua.  (Br. New Guin(!a).      1"nited States of America.
      ]>ersia.                        Windward Islands.
      Reunion  (Bourbon) Island.     j Yemen.
      Rumania.                        Yugo~lavia.
        Small  packets  should  not  be  accepted  for the  following  countries,  which  have
      expressed an  unwillingness to o.ccept such articles:
      Afghanistan.                    Kenya nnd Uganda.
      Azores.                        I
      Bechu:1naland  Protector:~tc .   Latvia.
      Belgian Con~o .                 Lithuania.
      British Togoland.               1\Iacao.
      BrunPi.                        I
      Bulgaria.                       :.\ Iadeira Islands.
      Canadn.                         !\Inlay States, (Nonfederaled).
      Cape Verde Islands.             i\I auritania.
      Chile.                          ;\Iorocco, Spanish Zone.
      China.                          New Zealand.
      Colombia.                       Nicaragua.
      Cuba.                           Niger.
      D ahomey.                       Non"W·
      Ecuador.                        Par:~gu.!ly.
      Egypt.                          Peru.
      Federnted  :M:~Iay States.      Pol!lnd.
      Fcrnando Po and Spanish Guinea.   Portugal.
      Finland.                        Portuguese Colonies.
      French Guiana.                  Rhodesia, Northern.
      French Guinea.                  Rhodesia, Southern.
      French Settlements in India.    Salvador. El.
      French Settlements in Oceania.   San :.\[ari!lo.
      French Sudan.                   Senegal.
      Gilbert and E Uice Islands.     f::outh-West Africa.
      Gold Coast Colony.              Spain.
      Haiti.                          Straits Settlements.
      Iceland.                        Tanganyib  Territory.
      India, British.                 Turkc,•.
      Iraq  (:\!esopotamia).          Union-of Socialistic SoYiet Republics.
      Irish Free State.               Union of South Africa.
      !tnli:~n colonies of Somaliland, Cyrcnaica,   Uruguay.
        E ritren, Transjubnl:md, and Tripolitania.  Vat ic•an  City State.
      ItAlY.                          ' 'enc.-.ut>la.  ·
      hory CoMt.                     I Zanzibar :md Pemb:1.
        S-r..all packets will :·e acc:E"pted  ,,t  the  risk  of t he senders ·.vhen addressed to tnose
      countries not mentioned in parographs above.
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